The H&F Plan - 2023 to 2026 - Inclusive, sustainable economic growth for everyone

Published: 15 December 2023

H&F is changing rapidly, and we’re determined to seize and share the opportunities this can bring for everyone.

Despite recent economic challenges, our borough is one of the UK’s most resilient and competitive economies.

Owing to a dense network of research, tech and creative institutions and high-growth firms, along with talented and ambitious local people, H&F is on its way to becoming the best place to start and grow a business in Europe.

We are collaborating across the public, research, and private sectors, working with inspiring people to create the conditions in which everyone can thrive.

Since the launch of our Industrial Strategy in 2017, developed with our business community, we have delivered over 625,000 sqm of quality space for small businesses, and seen growth in high productivity sectors such as life sciences, digital, creative and tech.

In addition to creating over 8,000 good jobs since then, these sectors are cementing the borough’s position as a global economic hotspot, with around £5bn invested since 2017.

The White City Innovation District is helping to shape the careers of young people in H&F, including broadcast media as a potential career path.

Our challenge is not only ensuring this growth continues, but that all our residents can benefit from the opportunities it brings. The prospects, opportunities and advantages that will be opened up to residents will be made accessible to all.

Across the council, we are determined that nobody is excluded from accessing the great opportunities our borough offers, and the next phase of our Industrial Strategy will be critical in making this happen.

Our ambition

Our ambition is to continue to improve H&F’s position as a global economic hotspot, and for this growth to benefit all our residents and our environment in the fullest way possible, improving outcomes for everyone.

Short term goals

In the short term, we will:

  • take our Industrial Strategy to its next phase to reflect the evolving needs of businesses and residents
  • put in place a lifetime approach to skills development - from nursery, through school and into high-quality training and good work - focused on a partnership between business and education
  • develop targeted initiatives to improve access to good quality jobs and volunteering opportunities, for those furthest away from the job market
  • establish a borough-wide employment and skills board and programme of work to enable delivery of high-quality employment support
  • support local businesses and start-ups by facilitating access to resources, networking opportunities, affordable workspace and business support services
  • set up an Enterprise Board to champion the business sector and ensure businesses have a strong voice.
In October 2023, over 120 primary and secondary H&F students got the chance to explore careers in life sciences, green tech and creative industries at the White City reveal event organised by the council.

Long term goals

In the long term, we will:

  • provide fair and inclusive opportunities for sustained employment through apprenticeships, other learning initiatives, and meaningful work experience
  • deliver our £118m EdCity education campus to align career opportunities in the White City Innovation District to the work of schools, apprenticeships, and reskilling programmes
  • work with Imperial College London to strengthen the White City Innovation District’s position at the heart of a global network of innovation districts
  • create the conditions to attract more inward investment into the borough.

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