Website statistics

Website traffic data.

This page monitors the performance of the Hammersmith & Fulham Council website.

The tables below show Hammersmith & Fulham Council's monthly website statistics. 

We use Google Analytics to measure traffic to our web pages. We do not include internal traffic in these statistics.

If you have any queries about this data email us at

Definition of terms

Visits: A visit is defined as a series of page requests from the same visitor with a time of no more than 30 minutes between each page request. If the same visitor closes the browser and returns to the page later this will count as another visit.

Page views: This figure represents the total number of pages requested from the website. If a visitor visits a page more than once during the same session or in the relevant period, it is re-counted.

Unique visitors: This figure represents the number of unique visitors during the relevant period. This means that any visitor who has already been to the site during this period is not counted again.

See the website statistics for:  2017  |   2018   |   2019   |   2020   |  2021   |   2022 |   2023


Website statistics for 2023
Month Unique visitors Visits Page views
July 241,728 358,068 708,455
June 240,535 355,092 679,851
May 243,196 360,878 689,458
April 230,448 335,916 640,450
March 254,926 382,866 737,548
February 225,212 327,496 639,461
January 245,603 367,197 721,041


Website statistics for 2022
Month Unique visitors Visits Page views
December 215,493 313,527 598,462
November 219,693 327,264 650,546
October 221,231 327,214 651,417
September 214,472 319,766 616,959
August 140,398 217,759 448,974
July 136,220 209,275 430,099
June 131,012 205,114 412,126
May 162,979 252,392 523,474
April 134,217 199,664 394,456
March 159,531 236,728 455,150
February 198,558 284,149 529,081
January 225,454 320,462 596,750


Website statistics for 2021
Month Unique visitors Visits Page views
December  211,197 301,800 548,704
November 213.387 305,543 584,442
October 228,937 324,074 649,524
September 227,733 329,001 640,211
August 239,987 338,091 647,615
July  275,256 402,235 741,225
June 273,681 386,467 735,216
May 273,623 381,055 719,191
April 267,539 375,152 709,057
March 321,525 450,425 817,097
February 244,251 339,212 623,305
January 270,002 403,556 775,318


Website statistics for 2020
Month Unique visitors Visits Page views
December 214,983 310,354 595,858
November 233,312 334,628 651,859
October 276,653 392,753 753,598
September 331,839 451,728 936,060
August 288,403 373,936 870,950
July 299,687 392,254 775,086
June 291,991 375,593 957,140
May 203,120 274,578 678,239
April 196,662 271,492 701,644
March 248,349 336,913 811,373
February 265,558 342,951 752,674
January 345,081 441,864 912,148


Website statistics for 2019
Month Unique visitors Visits Page views
December 243,628 315,485 710,524
November 249,971 331,050 755,255
October 254,823 345,370 842,910
September 202,180 283,680 766,238
August 168,865 237,399 653,390
July 175,888 250,332 706,888
June 165,839 228,328 609,101
May 187,356 261,876 705,259
April 202,259 283,198 870,472
March 170,223 240,953 914,981
February 164,901 242,030 883,868
January 175,525 249,036 873,331


Website statistics for 2018
Month Unique visitors Visits Page views
December 163,135 223,423 731,925
November 184,339 254,031 828,549
October 193,403 273,980 959,814
September 170,874 244,065 906,652
August 168,647 238,239 869,778
July 168,754 243,035 888,626
June 164,125 236,475 867,899
May 194,332 283,862 1,025,288
April 171,925 249,969 976,929
March 183,190 272,459 1,028,193
February 165,691 244,797 675,899
January 180,768 274,695 774,960


Website statistics for 2017
Month Unique visitors Visits Page views
December 151,952 222,690 777,324
November 169,979 249,643 885,345
October 182,399 276,890 783,481
September 163,798 245,133 950,174
August 158,541 232,828 907,103
July 168,590 249,864 909,476
June 172,621 255,937 934,761
May 169,746 252,818 962,144
April 158,671 234,264 886,895
March 168,497 245,834 1,010,821
February 143,835 210,444 664,705
January 169,473 248,600 941,103


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