Local plan Information on our adopted Local Plan and the Local Plan review. Local Plan Consultation Hub Take part in Local Plan and other planning policy consultations being run by the council. London Plan The London Plan, produced by the Mayor of London, is the Spatial Development Strategy for Greater London. National Planning Policy Framework The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out government's planning policies for England. Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) Supplementary planning guidance to the Local Plan. Spatial planning research Background research reports, technical papers, on-going studies, surveys and monitoring that supports the Local Plan. Local Development Scheme (LDS) Explains our timetable and programme for a review of our Local Plan. Community infrastructure levy (CIL) CIL is a fee charged by the council to developers to help pay for facilities and community services. Statement of Community Involvement in Planning Explains why, how and when the community will be able to participate in planning. Neighbourhood planning The 2011 Localism Act introduced powers for local communities to produce a new type of community-led plan. Article 4 Directions Article 4 Directions to remove permitted development rights in the borough. Brownfield Register This register provides publicly available information on all known brownfield sites in H&F. Self-build and custom build register Register your interest for a custom or self-build plot and find out more about organisations which can help you. Contact the planning policy team localplan@lbhf.gov.uk
Local Plan Consultation Hub Take part in Local Plan and other planning policy consultations being run by the council.
London Plan The London Plan, produced by the Mayor of London, is the Spatial Development Strategy for Greater London.
National Planning Policy Framework The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out government's planning policies for England.
Spatial planning research Background research reports, technical papers, on-going studies, surveys and monitoring that supports the Local Plan.
Community infrastructure levy (CIL) CIL is a fee charged by the council to developers to help pay for facilities and community services.
Statement of Community Involvement in Planning Explains why, how and when the community will be able to participate in planning.
Neighbourhood planning The 2011 Localism Act introduced powers for local communities to produce a new type of community-led plan.
Brownfield Register This register provides publicly available information on all known brownfield sites in H&F.
Self-build and custom build register Register your interest for a custom or self-build plot and find out more about organisations which can help you.