Spatial planning research

Information on Spatial Planning Research in the Hammersmith and Fulham borough.

Research, reports and evidence

The Local Plan documents are supported by research reports, technical papers, on-going studies and surveys. These are largely prepared or commissioned by us. Other relevant research from other organisations, particularly the Greater London Authority has also been published in this section.

Use these links below to view evidence on:

  • Housing in H&F - including the five year housing supply, the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and the Housing Market Assessment
  • Employment - including the  Employment Land Study
  • Retail and town centre uses - including the Retail Needs Study
  • Open space - including an Open Space Audit
  • Other matters - including background papers on tall buildings, flooding and waste
  • Census information - including information from the most recent Census


The Localism Act 2011 made amendments to the Planning and Compulsory 2004 Act . The duty to monitor continues and local planning authorities must publish a monitoring report directly to the public at least yearly.

Please find below our Annual Monitoring reports. Please contact our planning team if you have any difficulty in accessing the information in these reports.

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