Resolving neighbourhood problems

Your housing officer is here to support you with:

  • concerns about the well-being of a neighbour
  • disputes with neighbours
  • problems in your neighbourhood that you feel are anti-social or unsafe.

Concerns about the well-being of a neighbour

If you feel that you, a family member or someone in your neighbourhood is having difficulty coping, please contact your housing officer so we can discuss your concerns and find some support where possible.

To report a concern please contact your housing officer and we will get in touch with you.

Disputes with neighbours

We understand that disputes between neighbours can be stressful. We always suggest that you talk to your neighbours first to try to sort out a problem, if you feel it’s safe to do so. It’s important to talk things through calmly and try to understand each other’s point of view.

If you can’t resolve the problem, contact your housing officer who will work with you to find the best solution. They may suggest that you speak with CALM mediation, who help neighbours talk through disagreements.

Problems in your neighbourhood that you feel are anti-social or unsafe

We want you to feel safe and to enjoy living in your neighbourhood.

To report a problem, you can contact your housing officer and we will get in touch with you.

If you feel that your concern amounts to antisocial behaviour (ASB), you can also report this to your Housing Officer online. To find out more about our policy on ASB and how to report it, please visit the ASB page.

Get involved and improve your neighbourhood

If your estate has a tenants' and residents’ association (TRA), this can be a good way to raise concerns you have about your neighbourhood. Attending your TRA can help to get to know your neighbours better and develop a stronger sense of community.

Your local TRA could also bid for funding to make improvements on your estate.

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