Help reduce waste by swapping unwanted baby goods and using washable nappies

Residents can swap unwanted baby items and find out about switching to washable nappies.

Residents are being invited to recycle their unwanted baby items and learn about the environmental benefits of ditching disposable nappies.

The baby-themed ‘swap’ event has been combined with a Nappy Natter session and will take place on Thursday 10 November at the Masbro Children Centre, 87 Masbro Road, W14, from 1pm-3pm.

The event is part of Hammersmith & Fulham Council’s drive to reduce household waste, increase recycling rates and become the greenest borough in the country.

“Everybody can help play their part in Hammersmith & Fulham becoming a cleaner, greener borough for everyone,” said Cllr Wesley Harcourt, H&F Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Residents’ Services.

“Residents can bring their unwanted, reusable baby items and maybe find something they need. But every item that gets reused, is one less item going into the waste stream.”

Visitors are invited to bring along small to medium sized items including clothes, shoes, prams/buggies, books, toys, CDs, DVDs and other baby-related items. Pictures of larger items will be displayed at the event.

Any new mothers, or pregnant residents who live in H&F can come along and find out about the benefits of using real nappies, rather than the environmentally unfriendly disposables at the Nappy Natters advice session.

Attendees can also claim a free £45 voucher for washable nappies.

For more information and to book a place (not compulsory) on Nappy Natter, email, or call 020 8753 1100.

Alternatively, visit the H&F washable nappies webpage.

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