Hammersmith & Fulham Market Position Statement 2024 - Introduction

Hammersmith & Fulham is a great place to live and work. It is vibrant, diverse and ambitious. We aim to be the most inclusive and accessible borough in the country, leaving no-one behind.

We are committed to helping all residents live well and age well. Our Adult Social Care Vision of working compassionately with residents so that they enjoy independent, healthy and fulfilling lives is key to achieving this. Our strategic approach is underpinned by foundations of:

  • Leading our partnerships
  • Ambitious and aspirational for our residents
  • Resident's voices informing decision making
  • Whole system transformation and innovation
  • Quality, Choice and Control

The London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham is located in West London, and we are proud to be a diverse, urban community. We have great cultural, environment and business offer, excellent connectivity and transport links. The borough has high levels of employment and is home to several multinational companies and a world class university. However, we know that inequalities persist within the borough and that too many families' lives are blighted by poverty, domestic abuse, crime, and loneliness. We want that to change so prosperity is shared, and that residents are able to reach their full potential.

The Market Position Statement sets out how we continue to plan for the care market and describes where we are now and informs care providers of our commissioning intentions over the medium term.

We want to work with providers who share our vision and can deliver high quality support innovatively, at the right time, for the best price. We look forward to hearing from providers who share our commitments.

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