What is the market position statement
The Market Position Statement is a description of the current care market for adults in Hammersmith & Fulham. It is also a statement of our future commissioning intentions for care and support and accommodation-based services for adults, including young people transitioning to adulthood.
The aim of this document is to signal to the market, provide intelligence and understanding in order to enable the market to respond and meet local demand. Where we have received questions from the care market and we believe the answers should be shared more widely, we have sought to provide answers in this document. We would also like this document to be a basis for ongoing dialogue between Hammersmith & Fulham, stakeholders and providers.
Under the Care Act 2014, Hammersmith & Fulham Council is under a duty to provide care and support for people with eligible needs. The Act also places a duty on the Council to maintain an efficient and effective care market, including for people funding their own care. The Market Position Statement is a component part of this.
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