Victim support

Advice on the support offered to victims and witnesses of crime in England and Wales.

Victim Support

Victim Support is the national charity for victims and witnesses of crime in England and Wales.

They provide free and confidential help to victims of crime, their family, friends and anyone else affected. You don’t have to report a crime to the police to get their help and can get support at any time, whenever the crime happened. They are not a government agency or part of the police.

Contact Victim Support

0808 16 89 111
Live chat - Victim Support
My Support Space (online support guides)
Home - Victim Support

All these services are free, confidential and available 24/7.

Victims of terrorism

Support for young people

  • Women & Girls Network – Free and confidential counselling, advice, helpline and advocacy services and support to girls affected by violence and abuse. Call: 0808 801 0660. 
  • Resilience – Local, community-based wellbeing services to help young people make positive changes to issues around drug and alcohol use. Call: 020 8740 6815. 
  • Violence Intervention Project – A local charity which provides support to young people who are at risk of, or involved in, Serious Youth Violence. Call: 0800 130 3421 or make a referral online. 

Violence against women and girls

Please see the list of support available on Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

Help for adults being abused or neglected

If you think you are being abused, or another adult with care and support needs that you know is being harmed in any way, by another person please do not ignore it. Find out where you can find help for adults being abused or neglected.

See also Safeguarding Adults Board

Hate crime

Stop Hate UK provide an alternative for people who don't want to report hate crime to the council or police. Access independent support and information, 24 hours a day, every day of the year including an LGB&T helpline. Witnesses of incidents can also report and receive support via the helpline. 

CATCH is a group of charities working to end hate crime. They offer specialist advice and help to people targeted with violence, abuse or harassment because of their race, religion, disability, sexuality or gender identity. It focuses on working with people in the highest levels of risk, impact and need. CATCH is a service for people over 18 years old.  

Referrals can be made by victims or professionals.

More on hate crime

Modern slavery

More on modern slavery


  • Educate Against Hate – provides advice from the Department of Education and access to resources for schools to safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values.   
  • ACT Early | Prevent radicalisation – provides information from Counter Terrorism Policing on steps you can take if you have any concerns that someone close to you is expressing extreme views of hatred.  

More on Prevent

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