Employees remuneration 2019-20

Chief officers' remuneration 2019-20

This table shows the remuneration as paid through the council's payroll to the chief executive, statutory chief officers, members of the strategic leadership team (those reporting to the chief executive) and employees with salaries over £150,000.

Chief officers' remuneration (salary over £150k only) 2019-20
Role Name of postholder

Salary, fees and allowances


Expenses allowances

Compensation for loss of office



Chief Executive of H&F

K Smith







Strategic Director for the Economy Department

J Rowlands







Strategic Director of Social Care








Strategic Director, Finance and Governance (Section 151 Officer)

H Jolapara







Director of Corporate Services

Employee left May 2019, post removed from structure







Director of Children's Services

Employee started November 2019







Director of Children's Services

Employee left November 2019 







Borough Solicitor (Monitoring officer) 

Employee started November 2019







Number of employees receiving remuneration of more than £50,000 during 2019-20

The council’s other employees receiving more than £50,000 remuneration for the year (excluding employer’s pension contributions and including redundancy payments) were paid the following amounts. These numbers do not include senior employees shown in the previous table or staff employed directly by schools.       

Employees receiving remuneration of more than £50,000 during 2019-20
Remuneration band Number of employees
£130,000 to £134,999 1
£125,000 to £129,999 2
£120,000 to £124,999 0
£115,000 to £119,999 0
£110,000 to £114,999 2
£105,000 to £109,999 6
£100,000 to £104,999 1
£95,000 to £99,999 3
£90,000 to £94,999 9
£85,000 to £89,999 10
£80,000 to £84,999 12
£75,000 to £79,999 17
£70,000 to £74,999 12
£65,000 to £69,999 22
£60,000 to £64,999 26
£55,000 to £59,999 69
£50,000 to £54,999 105
Total number of employees 297

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