Our Core Strategy, Development Management Local Plan and Planning Guidance SPD provide a range of policies and guidance about design and conservation issues. These are supplemented by design guidance booklets about specific groups of properties (Nos. 54-108 Uxbridge Road and the Old Oak and Wormholt Conservation Area) which have particularly special characteristics.
Planning Guidance SPD
The Planning Guidance SPD which we adopted in July 2013 gives design guidance about specific types of development such as lightwells and shopfronts. It also gives design guidance about development affecting heritage assets including Buildings of Merit and conservation areas.
Conservation area character profiles
Our conservation area character profiles summarise the character and appearance of each conservation area and include broad design guidelines supporting the design guidelines for all conservation areas included in the Planning Guidance SPD.
Design guidelines for Nos. 54 to 108 (even) Uxbridge Road
Illustrated design guidelines for these properties aim to help property owners and occupiers in improving their premises and to raise the quality of the street frontage through better design.
Design guidelines for Nos. 54 to 108 (even) Uxbridge Road.
Design guidelines for the Old Oak and Wormholt conservation area
We produced our design guidelines for Old Oak and Wormholt conservation area before the Shimizu court judgement in 1997 and the abolition of Conservation Area Consent in 2013. Planning permission is now needed for total or significant demolition of a building, structure, wall or other means of enclosure in a conservation area.
Planning permission may also be required for more minor demolition work where it affects the appearance of a building, especially if there's an Article 4 Direction restricting permitted development rights. At present there is no Conservation Area Character Profile for this conservation area.
For more information please contact us on email: planning@lbhf.gov.uk or call: 020 8753 1081.