We’re helping women affected by violence

We want to help raise awareness of violence against women and girls, as well as the services available for survivors.

We want to help raise awareness of violence against women and girls, as well as the services available for survivors.

This year’s ‘Sixteen Days of Activism’ Campaign takes place across the globe and runs from the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on Monday 25 November until Human Rights Day on Tuesday 10 December.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of violence against women, highlight support available to those affected and promote a zero-tolerance approach to violence and abuse.

“Violence against women is a very real issue that urgently needs tackling, but is rarely given enough prominence,” said Cllr Sue Fennimore, Hammersmith & Fulham Council’s Deputy Leader.

“There are many barriers which can prevent women from coming forward, so the scale of the issue is often under-reported. That’s why we’re working closely with partner organisations to provide help and support, tailored to the very specific needs of the survivors of this horrific violence.”

Hidden issue

The scale and true nature of violence against women is often hidden. On average, one in five women in H&F have experienced stalking or harassment. A quarter will experience, or will have experienced, domestic violence in their lifetime.

It is a widespread issue which can affect anyone, regardless of their age, race, religion, sexual orientation, class or marital status.

The Angelou Partnership, a council-funded service for survivors, received more than 1,000 referrals for support last year.

In 2018-19, H&F achieved the highest conviction rate in London for Domestic Abuse. This is part-attributed to the council-funded Impact Project, which supports survivors through the criminal justice system.

What’s happening?

Over the campaign, various activities and events will be running in H&F and neighbouring boroughs to raise awareness of violence against women and girls and the support available.

These events will celebrate the work already taking place and strengthen our coordinated community response to making the borough safe for anyone living, studying or working in, or travelling to, Hammersmith & Fulham.

Monday 25 November - Local domestic abuse charity Standing Together gave out flowers to women in Hammersmith Town Centre as part of their ‘Blooming Strong’ campaign, which empowers women who have survived male violence.
They also hosted a fundraising coffee morning at The Polish Centre in Hammersmith the same day, to support women who have survived male violence.

Tuesday 26 November - Imperial Healthcare Trust is hosting a stall to raise awareness of violence against women and human rights.
Charing Cross Hospital (first floor, main building), 10.30am to 2.30pm.

Wednesday 4 December - Imperial Healthcare Trust is hosting a stall to raise awareness of violence against women and human rights.
Hammersmith Hospital, main reception, 10.30am to 2.30pm.

The local Violence Against Women and Girls Partnership is also hosting its annual conference, as well as other events and training which are open to professionals across the partnership. 

For help or advice, call the Angelou Partnership on 0808 801 0660, Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247, or Men’s Advice Line 0808 801 0327.

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