Hammersmith & Fulham pledges to keep weekly bin collections, despite Government's 30 per cent cut in funding

H&F Council has re-affirmed its intention to retain weekly bin collections and prioritise essential services

Despite the Chancellor’s announcement this week that Hammersmith & Fulham will suffer a 30 per cent cut in local government spending over the next four years, the council has re-affirmed its intention to retain weekly bin collections and prioritise essential services.

Council Leader, Cllr Stephen Cowan, said: “Clearly at a time when the Government is making such huge cuts, there will be many vested interests who will want to scare-monger about how those cuts might appear. But we reaffirm that we will continue to prioritise key council services, such as bin collections, for our residents while we make sure that we continue to keep council tax low.

“Government cuts in public spending have forced half of all councils up and down the country to reduce the frequency of refuse and recycling collections, but that’s not going to happen here in Hammersmith & Fulham.”

Use H&F Report It to report missed collections or any other street cleaning problem.

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