Repairs and maintenance

As a council tenant or leaseholder you can request a repair to your home, leaseholders may be responsible for some repairs. 

For an emergency repair, please call 0800 023 4499.

For a non-emergency repair, please use the online form linked below.

Report a repair online

Find out more about reporting a repair

H&F Estate Repair Days

Estate repair days form part of the work we’re doing to transform our housing service and meet the needs of residents. Find out more about our forthcoming estate repair days.

Tenants and repairs

Find out about your repairs responsibilities as a tenant

Landlord repairs (minor works)

As your landlord we are responsible for any repairs and maintenance to the structure of the building and also those communal areas that are used by all residents.

Leaseholders and repairs

As a leaseholder, you are responsible for repairs inside your flat.

These include repairs to:

  • window glass
  • partition walls (not load bearing) and ceiling plaster
  • floor boards and concrete floor coverings
  • internal doors
  • plumbing and electrics servicing your flat only
  • water tanks serving your flat only
  • individual heating systems
  • all fixtures and fittings
  • timber fences in your garden - not party fence walls.

You're also required to keep the property in a generally good decorative repair internally.

As a leaseholder you will have to pay your share of the costs of these works as indicated in your lease.

This includes:

  • the roof
  • external walls
  • internal supporting walls
  • joists, beams and lintels
  • external doors and frames
  • window frames
  • guttering, down pipes and soil stacks
  • drains (serving the whole building)
  • lifts
  • booster and pit pumps
  • alarms
  • TV aerials
  • communal heating systems
  • external lighting
  • entrance lobbies and stairways (communal)
  • roads and paths
  • gardens (communal).

Landlord repairs (major works)

Major works carried out by the council on your property

We will from time to time need to carry out major works to the building in which you live. These will be repairs and renewals which we cannot do under normal day-to-day repairs arrangements due to the amount of works involved.

This sort of work may include the repair or replacement of:

  • windows
  • external doors
  • roof works
  • necessary refurbishment of exterior and communal areas, doors, stairs and access ways
  • rewiring of communal areas where required
  • lifts.

Major works consultation

By law we must consult with leaseholders if any works will cost you more than £250. As well as the formal consultation we aim to ensure you are involved in the following key areas:

  • before the works start
  • while the works are in progress
  • when the works are over.

For further information about major works please visit Major works.

Your safety – fire, gas and asbestos

What to look out for and who to contact if you spot a problem - Your safety, fire gas and asbestos

Find out about our Fire Safety Plus programme

Looking after your estate and green areas

Information about who looks after the communal areas, green spaces and security on our estates.

Managing condensation and mould

For advice about how to avoid condensation and mould in your home see Managing condensation and mould.

Alterations and improvements

If you are thinking of doing a loft conversion, extension or basement conversion, you should first check your lease to make sure the area you are going to build on is included in your lease.

You will need landlord's consent to make alterations and improvements to your council property.

Alterations to council properties

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