Commercial property locator service

Our FREE commercial property locator service brings the market to you - saving you time and money while finding an ideal new commercial space for your business.

Acquiring the right commercial space is vital for businesses looking to grow and expand. Yet, the hunt for space can be long and arduous with mixed results.

Our service cuts out the middle men to give you real time lease and freehold information your business needs as well as a detailed property specification report - all free of charge.


Free property specification reports - providing a wealth of details including multiple exterior and interior photos, floor plans, retail frontages, aerial views, maps, stacking plans and 20 years of historic deal information

Free lease and freehold analysis - providing real time information on all available or near end of lease space based on your needs

Cut your research time and expense - save hours of research with a few clicks.

Contact us

If you are on the lookout for new commercial space, need some information about an individual property or would just like some more information, please send us a brief description of your needs to

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