South Fulham Clean Air Neighbourhood project

Reducing traffic, congestion and pollution in South Fulham streets.

New deal with Uber and Bolt on South Fulham cameras

We have worked with Uber and Bolt for over three years on a range of measures to ensure residents in the Clean Air Neighbourhood are picked up and dropped off at their homes. This has included:

  • Upgrades to in-car navigation systems to enable drivers to reach all addresses without going through the cameras.
  • Empowering residents to give drivers access through the cameras during a journey using the RingGo app.
  • Guaranteeing no private hire vehicle driver will be fined if they provide details of the trip involving a drop off or pick up in the area.

We have now signed agreements with Uber and Bolt on a technical solution which allows their drivers to go through the South Fulham cameras without penalty to pick up and drop off residents.

We are also in talks with other ride-hailing apps who have expressed interest in doing the same.

Air pollution cut as trial launched

A Clean Air Neighbourhood trial in the streets to the west of Wandsworth Bridge Road came into effect on 1 February 2023. The trial will last up to 18 months.

Data following the first two months of the trial shows 7,000 fewer cars per day are using residential streets as cut-throughs in South Fulham.

That means there is an estimated 0.65 kg less of deadly nitrogen oxide (NOx) polluting the air and 0.9 tonnes less of climate-damaging carbon emissions every day.

The data shows that the trial is working in a similar way as the trial to the east, which resulted in 8,000 fewer cars per day in the area and was made permanent in December 2021.

In total across South Fulham, our streets are now seeing 15,000 fewer cars, 1.35 kg less of nitrogen oxide and 1.9 tonnes less of carbon dioxide every day, reducing dangerous emissions and bringing air quality improvements and health and climate benefits.

To support the local economy, H&F Council is offering new business visitor access permits to enable shoppers, deliveries and staff to drive through the Clean Air Neighbourhood cameras.

As part of the Clean Air Neighbourhood programme urban designers are now working with residents on plans to make the area greener and more attractive.

The aim is to provide cycleways and cycling facilities, better walkways for pedestrians, improve biodiversity, tackle flood risk and enhance the physical and mental well-being of residents.

South Fulham (west) Clean Air Neighbourhood trial

Image 1

Map of west South Fulham Clean Air Neighbourhood trial
  • Text description of the map showing how non-residents can enter streets in the Clean Air Neighbourhood trial to the west of Wandsworth Bridge Road without going through the cameras

    Non-H&F registered drivers can enter and leave the area either via New Kings Road or enter and leave via Wandsworth Bridge Road.

    Five cameras have been installed to discourage out-of-borough motorists from using our streets as cut-throughs. They are at:

    • Broomhouse Lane (200 yards north of Daisy Lane)
    • Hurlingham Road (at the junction with Edenhurst Avenue)
    • Peterborough Road (on the side of 90 Clancarty Road)
    • Ryecroft Street/Stokenchurch Street (at the junction with Perrymead Street)
    • Studdridge Street (between Perrymead Street and Bowerdean Street).

    Via New Kings Road, non-residents can drive on the following streets: Perrymead Street, Chipstead Street, Quarrendon Street, Chiddingstone Street, Bradbourne Street, Coniger Road, Peterborough Road (south as far as Sulivan Court), Broomhouse Road, Broomhouse Lane (until 200 yards north of Daisy Lane), Studdridge Street (east as far as Perrymead Street), Linver Road, Alderville Road, Cortayne Road, Ashington Road, Cristowe Road, Bettridge Road, Foskett Road, Ewald Road, Dolby Road, Grimston Road, Napier Avenue, Hurlingham Gardens, Ranelagh Avenue. Hurlingham Road is accessible via Grimston Road, Foskett Road or Ewald Road. Edenhurst Avenue is accessible via Ranelagh Avenue, Ranelagh Gardens is accessible via Napier Avenue.

    From Wandsworth Bridge Road, non-residents can drive on the following streets: Carnwath Road and Broomhouse Lane (until 200 yards north of Daisy Lane), Breer Street, Dymock Street, Hugon Road, Woolneigh Street, Friston Street, Narborough Street, Ashcombe Street, Beltran Road, Settrington Road, Clancarty Road, Daisy Lane, Sulivan Road, Peterborough Road (until just north of South Park), Studdridge Street (west as far as Bowerdean Street ), Bowerdean Street, Ryecroft Street (west until just before junction with Perrymead Street), and Stokenchurch Street (west until just before junction with Perrymead Street).

    Monitoring sensors have been installed in the local area to capture traffic and pollution data. This provides further analysis of how the Clean Air Neighbourhood trial is impacting the local area. Examples of such sensors are loops in the road, smart cameras which count vehicle and pedestrian movements at junctions, ANPR and pollution sensors.

All H&F residents can drive through cameras

The trial to the west aims to discourage out-of-borough motorists from using residential streets as cut-throughs.

It uses smart technology cameras to reduce pollution and congestion in the streets to the west of Wandsworth Bridge Road.

The map (above) shows how five automatic number plate recognition cameras have been carefully positioned to stop non-H&F drivers using the most popular cut throughs such as:

  • Broomhouse Lane
  • Hurlingham Road
  • Peterborough Road
  • Ryecroft Street
  • Studdridge Street
  • Stokenchurch Street.

If you live anywhere in the borough and have an H&F-registered vehicle, you can go through the Clean Air Neighbourhood cameras without penalty.

Friends, family, carers, deliveries and tradespeople from outside H&F can reach every single street without going through a camera. They just need to enter and leave the area via Wandsworth Bridge Road or enter and leave via New Kings Road. The cameras will only affect drivers who try to cut through from Wandsworth Bridge Road to New Kings Road, and vice versa.You can also book your friends, family, carers, deliveries and tradespeople free access through the cameras by using RingGo.

Using RingGo to give your visitors free access

H&F residents can use RingGo to give their visitors free access through the cameras in three easy steps. You just need to register with the council for a Resident Visitor Permit, sign up with RingGo and, on the day, let RingGo know the registration number of your visitor’s vehicle.

1. Register for a Resident Visitor Permit at or by calling the hotline on 020 8753 3849.

2. Sign up to RingGo via its app or online at the RingGo website.

3. When you expect or have had a visitor, just enter their vehicle registration number with RingGo via its app or at You can do this up to midnight on the day they visit, even after they’ve left.

When using the app or online you can  choose either to pay for your visitor’s parking (which will automatically allow them through the cameras) or just select the ”CLEAN access only” drop-down menu.

Hotline to book in visitors

Clean air neighbourhoods fridge magnet - book in your visitors via RingGo or call our hotline 0208 753 3849. For all other enquiries please call 0207 371 5678

Visitors can drive to any street and avoid the cameras. If for some reason your visitor still needs to pass a camera or does so by accident, the simplest and fastest way to book them in is through RingGo.

As we appreciate some residents don’t use apps or the internet, we have set up a dedicated seven-day hotline on 020 8753 3849 to give your visitors free access. You can also arrange to have a family member, carer or friend book on your behalf, please ask for details

We’re giving away eco-friendly, bamboo fridge magnets with the hotline number. To get yours, please call the hotline or email, writing “fridge magnet” in the subject and giving your name and address.

Data shows 7,000 fewer cars a day

Data for the Clean Air Neighbourhood trial shows huge reductions in traffic cutting through residential streets.

Monitors in Peterborough Road, Broomhouse Lane, Hurlingham Road, Clancarty Road and Studdridge Street show reductions of between 39% and 59% from before the trial (March 2022) and now (March 2023).

Highway engineers say these figures show a total daily reduction of between 7,000 and 8,000 cars in streets to the west of Wandsworth Bridge Road – on top of the existing reduction of 8,000 cars a day to the east of the road.

Wandsworth Bridge Road also shows a reduction in traffic, notably at the southern end of the road near the bridge. Separate data shows the journey time between Wandsworth roundabout and the New Kings Road has decreased by 40 seconds.

On the New Kings Road, traffic to the west has reduced by 22% and increased to the east by 3%. Parsons Green Lane also shows a reduction of 16%.

These early indications show that there has been little or no displacement of traffic from side streets to the main roads and that the trial benefits the wider area, with fewer cars and, therefore, less car pollution.

Clean Air Neighbourhood Trial data
Road March 2022 pre-trial March 2023 during trial Net reduction/increase Percentage reduction/increase
Broomhouse Lane 8,419 3,467 -4,952 -58.8%
Clancarty Road 2,787 1,451 -1,336 -47.9%
Hurlingham Road* 2,426 1,132 -1,294 -53.3%
Peterborough Road 7,135 4,341 -2,794 -39.2%
Studdridge Street 2,627 1,475 -1,152 -43.9%
Wandsworth Bridge Road South 35,576 29,497 -6,079 -17.1%
Wandsworth Bridge Road North 21,245 20,291 -954 -4.5%
New Kings Road(near Munster Road) 17,864 13,950 -3914 -21.9%
New Kings Road (near Eelbrook Common) 14,384 14,851 467 3.2%
Parsons Green Lane 11,571 9,743 -1,828 -15.8%

The table shows daily average number of journeys.

*  Hurlingham Road data is pre-trial September 2022 compared to during trial March 2023

New deal for H&F businesses

To support the local economy, H&F Council is offering new business visitor access permits to enable shoppers, deliveries and staff to drive through the Clean Air Neighbourhood cameras.

With just a couple of clicks, firms can enter their visitors’ registration numbers to grant free access.

The new permit is among a raft of measures being introduced in Clean Air Neighbourhoods to support a thriving local economy. 

All H&F-based businesses can apply for the permit. Staff can use the RingGo App to input the registration number of their shopper, delivery or staff.

Or, where businesses prefer, H&F will provide free tablets so customers can input their own vehicle registration details.

To apply for the new business visitor access permit, please contact or visit new business visitor access to find out more.

Traffic reduction and air quality

To gain a better understanding of the effect of vehicle pollution on air quality we installed 56 air quality monitors in South Fulham. That is the highest density air quality monitoring network in Europe.

We have now commissioned UK leading scientists at Imperial College London to review the data and develop their understanding of the impact of traffic reduction on the air we breathe.

Imperial are also bidding for Government funds to undertake the largest and most detailed study of its kind in the world into traffic emissions, air quality and peoples health using South Fulham and wider borough data.

This important research project would help inform how we can tackle toxic air not just in H&F but across London and beyond.

New look for South Fulham

On Wandsworth Bridge Road itself, a new radical vision to make the road a destination high street at the heart of our community is being developed.

The new vision will shift the road from being a congested and polluted through-route to a welcoming, clean and green place that puts people first. It will make the air cleaner and the street safer, especially if youre walking or cycling.

The artists impressions above - looking south from near the junctions with Hugon Road (above left) and Beltran Road (above right) - show what could be possible, with photographs of how the roads currently look above.

  • Wider footways - improve pedestrian use and allow the creation of new public spaces, with feature lighting, greening and extra space for shops and cafes with outdoor tables.
  • Narrowing the carriageway - slows traffic and changes the nature of the road with space for additional planting
  • Raised road sections – create high street centres and further calm traffic, highlighting pedestrian provision and improving safety.

Urban designers will soon be working with residents on the east, where the first trial was made permanent, to develop a series of public realm improvements to make the area cleaner, greener and safer.

We are also working with Transport for London and Wandsworth Council on the necessary changes to both the New Kings Road junction and the Townmead/Carnwath/Bridge junction to meet requirements to prioritise safe pedestrian and cycle crossings.

Full and proper consultation

The Clean Air Neighbourhood trial has been designed following extensive engagement over the last two years with residents. The trial will last for between six and 18 months and residents will be fully consulted during that period.

Once the scheme has bedded in, we will write again to every household detailing how you can take part in an extensive survey on the clean air trial. We will also conduct opinion polling and continue our ongoing engagement with residents’ groups, businesses and individuals.

We want as many residents as possible to take part and help shape the project. In the meantime if you want to send comments and any suggestions for improvements, please email

All your views will be taken into account before a decision is made on whether to amend, abandon or make the trial permanent.

Did you know…

Black cabs, buses, emergency vehicles and local H&F registered mini cabs automatically can go through the cameras without penalty.

Carers, healthcare workers and specialist services supporting H&F residents can register directly with the council for automatic free access through the cameras.

You can give free access through the cameras to as many visitors a day as you want.

Polluted air makes people ill, especially children. It is estimated that air pollution causes an average 87 deaths a year in our borough.

If your visitor stays overnight, you can book them in again the following day at any time up to midnight.

Clean Air Neighbourhood to the east of Wandsworth Bridge Road

The South Fulham clean air neighbourhood eastern project was launched in July 2020 and made permanent in December 2021.

Since the project began, traffic has reduced by 75 per cent in the streets to the east of Wandsworth Bridge Road (WBR) and by 12 per cent in Wandsworth Bridge Road.

Overall traffic in South Fulham is down by 23 per cent while the project has reduced the number of trips by motorists by 8,000 per day through the area. And it has contributed to the removal of at least one tonne of CO2 per day from South Fulham.

The council approved an experimental traffic order to extend the project to the streets to the west of WBR in December 2021, following further resident engagement and consultation.

The project has enabled residents to take control of local streets which had become flooded with traffic – 90 per cent of which was made up of rat-running, out-of-borough motorists largely from Surrey, Hampshire and the A3 corridor.

The decades-old and seemingly unmanageable traffic problem in South Fulham has been made worse in recent years by increased use of satnav systems directing arterial road traffic to cut through narrow residential streets.

The project, which was developed by the council working with residents, uses the latest Automatic Number Plate Recognition technology to end this problem.

The council also introduced 20mph speed limits on WBR and New Kings Road and is developing further traffic mitigation measures for WBR have been proposed.

Two information sessions, hosted by the independent resident-led group via Zoom were held in February and March 2022.

These were organised by residents in the area, to explain how the project works, the plans for the western extension, and proposed improvements for WBR.

This map shows the Clean Air Neighbourhood project to the east of Wandsworth Bridge Road and how non-residents can avoid the cameras.

Map of South Fulham (east) Clean Air Neighbourhood

Image 2

Map showing the Clean Air Neighbourhood project to the east of Wandsworth Bridge Road.
  • Text description of the map showing how to access the restricted streets in the clean air neighbourhood to the east of Wandsworth Bridge Road without going through the control cameras

    Streets covered by the project remain freely open to all residents of H&F. The CAN only restricts the use of certain roads in South Fulham by out-of-borough residents. Those roads are:

    Ninety-nine per cent of the area remains accessible for deliveries, contractors, carers and visitors without crossing any camera control points. The following information lays out how non-residents can access streets and avoid the cameras.

    1. Access off New Kings Road

    Avalon Road, Peterborough Villas, Bagleys Lane and Harwood Terrace (West) can all be accessed off the New King’s Road.

    2. Access off Wandsworth Bridge Road (North)

    Access via Cresford Road

    Cresfold Road, Bagleys Lane (south), Acfold Road, Cheryls Court and Meldon Close.

    Access via Bovingdon Road

    Bovingdon Road, Acfold Road, Bagleys Lane (south), Cheryls Court and Meldon Close.

    Access via Broughton Road

    Pearscroft Road, Pearscroft Court and Sandilands Road.

    3. Access off Wandsworth Bridge Road (south) and Townmead Road

    Access via Oakbury Road

    Oakbury Road, Cranbury Road, Hazlebury Road, Snowbury Road

    Access via Rosebury Road

    Rosebury Road, Hazlebury Road, Cranbury Road, Snowbury Road.

    Access via Stephendale Road

    Stephendale Road, Hazlebury Road, Broughton Road, Gilstead Road, DeMorgan Road, Hamble Street, Althea Street, Edenvale Street, Kilkie Street, Byam Street, Glenrose Street, Lindrop Street, Tynemouth Street, Elbe Street.

    Access via Townmead Road

    Townmead Road, William Morris Way, Bagleys Lane (south), Imperial Road (south), DeMorgan Road, Hamble Street, Althea Street, Edenvale Street, Kilkie Street, Byam Street, Glenrose Street, Lindrop Street, Tynemouth Street, Elbe Street.

Borough access permit

If you are a resident but your vehicle is not registered to an H&F address or you do not need a residents parking permit (for example company, hire and courtesy cars or you live in car-free accommodation), please register for the project using the online form.

Apply for a borough access permit

A borough access permit will allow you to access the project area without penalty. Please note that this is not a residents parking permit and does not provide you with residential parking.

Contact us

Our customer services team is here to help:


Call: 020 7371 5678

For businesses needing support please use our Clean air neighbourhood business support request form.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about the east and west South Fulham Clean Air Neighbourhood projects.

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