Frequently asked questions about rubbish

Additional information about rubbish collections in Hammersmith & Fulham.

If your question isn’t answered below, please check our other refuse and recycling pages, use the site search at the top of the page, or contact the Cleaner Greener Hotline: 020 8753 1100 or

  • Does the council supply dustbins or wheeled bins?

    The council is rolling out new wheeled bins in some areas of the borough Find our more about the new bins and food waste collection service. If you are not in one of the areas where the new service is being rolled out, you have to supply your own dustbin (approx 90 litres) or use strong refuse sacks. If you get weekly/twice weekly household collections, remember that we only collect normal household rubbish if you put it out in the new wheeled bins supplied by the council or an ordinary dustbin or in standard-sized rubbish sacks.

  • What should I do if the refuse crew puts a card though my door?

    There are several reasons why your collection crew may put a green or white information card through your door. These include, but are not limited to:

    • putting out bulky/builders waste on collection day
    • incorrect presentation of sacks
    • putting out contaminated recycling.


    We keep a record of these cards and if your property gets more than two cards in a three-month period we will send a letter to the property with a full reminder of what you can put out and how to do it. We won’t take any other action against you, we just need your help to keep the area free of unnecessary bags, litter, spillage and bulky items.
    See more on Bulky waste collections and large items for reuse.

  • If I contact the council is there a specific timescale for a response?

    Only if you have submitted a formal complaint. If you have submitted a formal complaint then we should acknowledge we’ve received this within three days. If you submit a complaint via the Cleaner Greener hotline, then we’ll address your complaint but you won’t receive a verbal or written response unless you specifically ask for one.

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