Affordable Workspace Supplementary Planning Document

The Affordable Workspace Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted on 5 October 2022.

The Affordable Workspace SPD sets out guidance on Local Plan policies for affordable and flexible workspace. It also provides information and advice on types of affordable workspace, and information to help you make a successful planning application.

Affordable Workspace SPD and associated documents

For more information on the Affordable Workspace SPD contact

Accredited affordable workspace provider list

The form linked below is for workspace providers who wish to join the H&F affordable workspace accreditation scheme.

Hammersmith & Fulham Council’s Local Plan sets out where planning applications for new business development schemes will be expected to provide affordable workspace. The council will maintain a list of accredited workspace providers in the borough who can operate this workspace. Download the current list below.

Please note: Being on the workspace provider list could increase exposure to new business opportunities. Inclusion on the list does not constitute a contract with Hammersmith & Fulham Council or guarantee organisations new commissions and has no direct monetary value in itself.

Where any discussions take place between developers and providers, the council will waive any responsibility.

Apply to join the list

Please email enquiries to:

Viability evidence

The SPD was informed by new local evidence and viability reports:

Employment & Skills Code and Supply Chain Procurement Code

The Affordable Workspace SPD refers to codes for local Employment & Skills and Supply Chain Procurement. These codes are intended to advise and support planning applicants understand what economic development planning contributions may be required for a planning application.  They also provide a justification for these requirements. Please find links to the two sets of codes below.

Thinking about applying for planning permission?

Visit our planning application section for information about:

  • our pre-application advice service
  • submitting your application
  • application fees
  • accessing the application form and the required supporting documentation.

Looking for affordable workspace?

We offer business support and advice and a list of affordable and commercial premises in the borough.

Industrial Strategy

Our Industrial Strategy – called Economic Growth for Everyone – sets out to make our borough the best place to do business and to ensure that local residents and businesses benefit. The Local Plan and Affordable Workspace SPD promote its aims and objectives.

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