Living with rainwater

The living with rainwater guide gives an introduction to small-scale projects that can create resilience to extreme weather, particularly flooding.

The Living with rainwater guide (pdf 4MB) gives an introduction to small-scale projects that can create resilience to extreme weather, particularly flooding. They also provide beautiful spaces for people to enjoy and where wildlife can flourish. These types of interventions are often referred to as Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).

The guide looks at the common causes of flooding in Hammersmith & Fulham and then provides details for a number of small scale solutions including:

  • Rain gardens
    Gardens which are designed to absorb rain water diverted from roofs and hard paved areas. They provide simple, attractive and wildlife friendly ways to reduce flood risk and improve our urban areas.
  • Green roofs
    Growing a covering of plant on roofs acts as a sponge, soaking up rain water and creating new wildlife habitats.
  • Removing hard surfaces
    Removal of hard surfaces such as tarmac, concrete or paving slabs (called 'depaving') and replacing them with permeable surfaces such as gravel gives rainwater somewhere to drain. It can also create green spaces for people to enjoy.
  • Water butts
    Water butts are one of the easiest ways to stop clean water from being lost to the sewers and protect water resources at the same time.
  • Water efficiency
    Reducing our water use would make more space in our sewers and help to minimise overspill into the Thames.

The guide has information about funding for community projects such as creating rain gardens, green roofs and making new green spaces in communal areas to help minimise the risk of flooding.

It also showcases places in H&F where these solutions have been successfully introduced, such as on the Queen Caroline Estate.

Download the guide Living with rainwater (pdf 4MB)

Hard copies are available by contacting

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