Notice of ballot for renewing the Fulham Broadway BID

Notice of ballot on a proposal to renew the Fulham Broadway Business Improvement District.

Notice of Ballot and arrangements for the ballot

A ballot is to be held on a proposal to renew the Fulham Broadway Business Improvement District.

The ballot will be taken entirely by post, with votes to be returned by 5pm on the day of the ballot, which is Thursday 8 June 2023.

Who can vote?

Those eligible to vote in this ballot are the non-domestic ratepayers listed in the council's records for each hereditament (rated unit) situated in the geographical area of the proposed BID as at the date of this notice, with a rateable value of £15,000 or more.

Each ratepayer entitled to vote has one vote for each hereditament occupied or (if unoccupied) owned by them in the geographical area of the proposed BID.

Issue of ballot papers

The ballot period will be from Thursday 11 May 2023 until Thursday 8 June 2023. Voting packs will be posted by first class mail on Tuesday 9 May 2023.

Close of ballot

To be included in the count, ballot papers must be returned to the Ballot Holder at the Electoral Services Office, 3 Shortlands, Hammersmith, London, W6 8DA by 5pm, Thursday 8 June 2023.

Please note that, if posting, the address to be used for returning ballot papers is The Ballot Holder, London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, Hammersmith Town Hall, King Street, London, W6 9JU

Who will the ballot paper be sent to?

Ballot papers have to be sent to the address of the hereditament or the principal place of business within England of the person entitled to vote.

Experience from other BID ballots has shown that it is good practice to send ballot papers to named individuals who will be responsible for casting the vote, especially in large businesses. An alternative company address may be given where a ballot paper may be sent, provided that address is in England.

Electoral Services have already written to ratepayers to ascertain named individuals. There is still time to appoint a voter. The appropriate form can be obtained by contacting Electoral Services.

The form should be returned by 5pm on Monday 8 May 2023 to ensure the ballot paper is sent to the correct person.

If no appropriate person is named, the ballot paper will be addressed to "the business ratepayer".

Appointing someone else to vote (a proxy)

The person eligible to vote may appoint any one person as a proxy to vote on their behalf, for example, if they are going to be away at the time of the ballot.

An application to appoint a proxy must be in writing, and:
(a) state the full name and address of the person whom the person entitled to vote (the applicant) wishes to appoint as proxy;
(b) state the address of the applicant's hereditament
(c) be signed by the applicant; and
(d) contain a statement by the applicant that the proxy so named has been consulted and is capable of being, and willing to be, appointed.

Please contact Electoral Services for an application form. Proxy appointments must be received by Electoral Services before 5pm on Friday 26 May 2023, and will be confirmed in writing by the ballot holder.

What if a ballot paper is not received by the voter?

If a ballot paper has not been received by Friday 2 June 2023, an application can be made (whether or not in person) for a replacement to be issued. Evidence of the voter's identity must also be provided.

In such a case, the voter should inform the ballot holder as soon as possible, and not wait until Friday 2 June. This will enable the replacement to be prepared in time for posting or collection on Friday 2 June.

A replacement cannot be issued if the ballot holder is informed after Monday 5 June.

Counting of votes

Ballot papers will be counted on Friday 9 June 2023 and the result will be published that day on the council's website.

For the BID ballot to be successful there must be a majority of those voting in favour of the proposal, both in terms of the numbers voting AND also the aggregate rateable value represented by those voting.

List of persons entitled to vote and their proxies (if any)

A list of each non-domestic ratepayer and the address and rateable value of each hereditament in the geographical area of the proposed BID, is available for inspection at the Electoral Services Office, 3 Shortlands, London, W6 8DA during normal working hours.

The ballot holder can supply a copy of the list, but only for the purpose of canvassing persons entitled to vote in the BID ballot. The list can be requested in writing by the BID proposer, or any person, or group of persons, who represent 5% or more of the persons who are to be liable for any proposed BID levy.

Name and address of the BID proposer

Fulham Broadway BID
c/o HomeWork Workspace
25 Effie Road

Telephone: 07487 387 134
Web: Discover Fulham

The BID proposal is available on request from the BID proposer.

Sharon Lea
Ballot Holder

Electoral Services
London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
Hammersmith Town Hall
King Street
London, W6 9JU
Tel: 020 8753 1299

Date of this notice: 27 April 2023

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