Freedom of information fees

Charges associated with the Freedom of Information Act, Data Protection Act and the Environmental Information Regulations.

Personal Information Requests under the Data Protection Act 2018

We do not charge for any requests for personal information related to you, or requests made for you or for someone else. Personal information requests include any requests for CCTV footage. We return all payments that we receive.

Requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

Wherever possible we will try to send out information electronically. Where this is not possible we may invite you to come to view information at our offices. If we need to post information to you, for example, documents or a CD, we don’t charge you for this.

The Freedom of Information Act gives us two options on how to handle difficult or large requests. We can charge, or refuse to answer. We have decided to refuse to answer requests which will take longer than 2.5 days to answer. Instead we will ask you to rephrase your request so that we are able to respond. We will help you to do this.

Requests under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004

The regulations expect us to make as much information as possible available electronically. Some information is available via public registers, either through the website or at our offices. Access to public registers is free. Other types of environmental information may have charges associated with them, but we will let you know about these at the time.

If you have any questions about this policy please email us at

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