Hammersmith & Fulham Council’s statement of accounts and annual audit and inspection letters. These publications are produced by corporate finance.
- Notification of delay of publication of final 2022-23 statement of accounts (pdf 129KB)
- Audit Public Notice 2022-23 (pdf 102KB)
- Audit Public Notice 2021-22 (pdf 102KB)
- Notification of Delay of Publication of Final 2021-22 Statement of Accounts
- Audit Public Notice 2020-21 (pdf 88KB)
- Notification of Delay of Publication of Final 2020-21 Statement of Accounts
- Statement of Accounts 2019-20 (pdf 1.6MB)
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2019-20 (pdf 84KB)
- Audit Public Notice 2019-20 (pdf 191KB)
- Notification of Delay of Publication of Final 2019-20 Statement of Accounts
- Statement of Accounts 2018-2019 (pdf 1MB)
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2018-2019 (pdf 65KB)
- Audit Public Notice 2018-19 (pdf 84KB)
- Grant Thornton Annual Audit Letter 2018-2019 (pdf 489KB)
- Statement of Accounts 2017-2018 (pdf)
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2017-2018 (pdf)
- Audit Public Notice 2018 (pdf)
- KPMG Annual Audit Letter 2017-2018 (pdf)
- Statement of Accounts 2016-2017 (pdf)
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2016-2017 (pdf)
- Audit Public Notice 2017 (pdf)
- KPMG Annual Audit Letter 2016-2017 (pdf)
- Statement of Accounts 2015-2016 (pdf)
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2015-2016 (doc)
- Audit Public Notice 2016 (pdf)
- Statement of Accounts 2014-2015 (pdf)
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2014-2015 (doc)
- Audit Public Notice 2015 (pdf)
Audit Commission Annual Audit and Inspections
- Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2011-2012 (pdf)
- Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2010-2011 (pdf)
- Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2009-2010 (pdf)
- Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2008-2009 (pdf)
- Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2007-2008 (pdf)
- Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2006-2007 (pdf)
- Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2005-2006 (pdf)
- Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2004-2005 (pdf)
Revenue and capital budget
Our revenue budget and capital programme is approved annually at the February Full Council meeting (Budget meeting).
View the agendas and documentation for Full Council meetings.
Pension fund accounts and statements
Our pension fund accounts and statements have moved to a new page.
Our transparency page shows publication of payments to senior officers, councillors, suppliers and on contracts.