If it has not been possible to offer your child a place at your preferred school, you have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel. You can only appeal against a school that you applied to and have been refused.
If you have been offered a place that you do not want, you are advised to accept the place in the meantime as this will not affect your right of appeal or the appeal process and outcome.
Visit the parents' guide to admission appeals for step-by-step guidance on how to make an appeal.
If you are requesting an appeal against a community school, on top of the appeal form, please tick which form of hearing you would prefer.
Download an admissions appeal form (pdf 110KB), complete it and return it to the admissions authority for the school. For academy, free or church schools, the admissions authority is the school. For community schools, the local authority is the admissions authority. Please contact the admissions team in the first instance for advice. You may need to complete a separate appeal form for some schools.
If you would like independent advice regarding appeals or any other education matter, visit the Child Law Advice Service website or call their advice line on 0300 330 5485.
Appeals timetable for 2025 entry
The dates below may not apply to all schools in Hammersmith & Fulham or other council areas and are only given as guidance. It is important that you check with the individual school for their appeal timetable.
Primary reception appeals
- Appeal forms for community primary schools dispatched from 19 May 2025.
- Appeals to be lodged for community schools by 27 May 2025.
- Appeal hearings scheduled during June and July 2025.
Secondary transfer appeals
- Contact the secondary school you want to appeal against for their timetable.
- Appeal hearings scheduled during May, June and July 2025.
Contact us
For further information please call us on 020 8753 1085 or email school.admissions@lbhf.gov.uk