Local maternity sessions and activities for you and your baby, including breastfeeding drop-ins, infant feeding clinics, well-baby clinics, family hub and children's centre activities and parenting programmes.
Breastfeeding drop-in sessions
Breastfeeding drop-in sessions are for mother and baby. The sessions provide advice and support from trained professionals and peer supporters, with the opportunity to meet other breastfeeding mothers. You can also follow the team at BreastfeedingSupportInners on Instagram.
When: Tuesdays, 10am to 12.30pm
Where: Joe & The Juice, 809 Fulham Road, London SW6 5HE
Please bring your Red Book. Baby-wearing carriers are encouraged, if possible, due to limited space for prams.
If you have an enquiry in advance of the session contact Christina at christina.ifil@lbhf.gov.uk. If you have an enquiry on the day contact Yvonne at 07939 048 212
When: Fridays, 10am to 12pm
Where: Randolph Beresford Children's Centre, 4 Australia Rd, London W12 7PH (opposite White City Community Centre)
If you have an enquiry email christina.ifil@lbhf.gov.uk
Infant feeding clinics
Specialist infant feeding clinics are for families with concerns about breastfeeding, bottle feeding or mixed feeding.
These are 1 to 1 appointments and require a booking in advance by calling the Health Visiting team on 020 8200 2500 (option 2).
When: Mondays, 9:30am to 2pm
Where:: Family Hub Tudor Rose Community Centre, Tudor Rose Building, Fulham Court, London SW6 5PG
When: Wednesdays, 11:30am to 2:30pm
Where: Family Hub Old Oak Community Centre, 76 Braybrook Street, White City, London W12 0AP
Online feeding support
When: Thursdays, 1pm to 2:30pm
Le Leche League feeding support. Complete the online form for login details to be emailed to you. See Le Leche League bookings on Google forms.
Additional breastfeeding support
Additional support is always available
Available on request
H&F children centres provide breastfeeding support which is available on request. Email Alanna Alanna.Johnston@lbhf.gov.uk or telephone Alanna 07767 003550 / 0208 753 6070, or Chermaine Songui on 07773 345208.
Helplines and websites
- National breastfeeding helpline: 24-hour
Telephone: 0300 100 0212
Website: National Breastfeeding Helpline - Association of breastfeeding mothers (ABM)
Website: ABM Get breastfeeding support
Well baby clinic drop-in session with the Health Visiting team
When: Thursdays, 9:30am to 12pm
Where: Parkview centre for Health and Wellbeing, 56 Bloemfontein Road, London W12 7FG
For more information call 020 8102 6009
Wednesday coffee mornings
Bring your little ones and come, relax, and enjoy chat and light refreshments.
The session includes:
• children's story time and play
• health and wellbeing advice
• learn about local events and activities
• hear about training and volunteering opportunities
When: Wednesdays, 10am to 12pm
Where: Clem Attlee Community Hall, Len Freeman Place, Clem Attlee Court, London SW6 7TN
For any questions email christina.ifil@lbhf.gov.uk or call 07825 606 896
Babyzone activities and classes
Free activities and classes for families with babies and toddlers. No booking required.
When: Tuesdays, 9.30am to 2.30pm
Where: WEST Youth Zone, 4 Edcity Concourse, London W12 7TF
For any questions email hello@babyzone.org.uk
You can also visit the Babyzone website or Instagram @babyzoneuk
Children's centres
Children's centres provide valuable advice, health services, support and guidance for parents, prospective parents, and carers.
They include:
- infant feeding
- well baby clinics
- health visitor sessions
- baby massage
- OM:POP yoga and wellbeing sessions
They also provide fun and interactive sessions for children under 5 years, to attend with their parents and carers. They include stories, rhymes, music, games and creative activities.
Some children's centre services are delivered from our family hubs but there are more located across the borough.
Sessions are inclusive regardless of need and are free or require a small fee.
Find out more about children's centre activities
Parenting programmes
'Confident Parent Happy Child' is for parents and carers of children aged 0 to 18 years living in Hammersmith and Fulham. It includes a collection of parenting programmes and workshops such as:
- Incredible years: for parents with babies aged 0 to 1 years. The programme supports parents to build strong and loving relationships with their babies.
- Parenting tips for language and communication.
- Developing healthy sleep routine for children.
To learn more and to view the full range of parenting programmes, including those tailored to parents and carers of children with additional needs, and boys see Confident Parent Happy Child parenting programmes on the Urban Partnership Group website.