Toilet training guide

How we support parents and children with toilet training (continence).

There are more children entering preschool, nurseries and schools that will need support with continence (toilet training). Many more children with developmental delay or more complex needs now attend a mainstream setting.

Delayed continence is not necessarily linked with learning difficulties.

Some children may still be in nappies or have occasional accidents, because of their:

  • immaturity
  • health
  • personal development

This is likely in the first few months after admission.

Guide to managing continence

Our guide to managing continence provides guidance on continence and how to improve access for all children. The guide was by a group of experts and it explains what support should be provided to meet current legislation and best practice.

It also contains a blank personal care plan template for children wearing nappies or pull-ups in school.

The children's continence service

There is also a children's continence service available in the area. Their assessments can be performed by:

Find out more about the children's continence service.

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