Signs of autism in children

You may observe any of the following in your child.

  • not started speaking according to Ages and stages
  • repeating words or phrases constantly
  • restrictive or repetitive patterns of behaviour
  • having a high need for certainty and clarity about activities or daily routines
  • feeling uncomfortable or anxious when experiencing unknown or unpredictable situations (for example having breakfast at a slightly different time or taking a different route to school)
  • differences in social interaction and how your child understands social cues
  • how your child communicates and interacts with others
  • repetitive movements, such as flapping their hands, flicking their fingers or rocking their body
  • copying other children's behaviour to fit in better. (Know as Masking)
  • experiencing the sensory world differently, for example, sensitive to the light
  • finding discomfort in certain textures (may only eat smooth foods like mashed potatoes or ice cream)
  • having a high pain threshold (not feeling pain as much or as quickly as other do until it is more serious).

For further information see About Autism - Centre for ADHD and Autism Support

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