When your child is between 2 and 3 years old, practitioners must:
- review their progress
- provide you with a short, written summary of your child's development in the prime areas of the early years foundation stage – GOV.UK
The progress check must identify your child's strengths and any areas where your child's progress is less than expected.
If any concerns are raised
If there are significant emerging concerns or an identified special educational need or disability (SEND), practitioners should be developing a targeted plan to support your child's future learning and development involving other professionals as appropriate.
When supporting children with SEND, our Early Years Foundations Service will go into private, voluntary and independent (PVI) settings, and with parental consent:
- observe the child in their familiar nursery environment
- type up observation, analyse and suggest strategies referrals
- meet with parents and the setting to talk through the observation
- listen to the views of parents and carers and any concerns
- support parents and settings to make relevant referrals
- support staff to set up targeted support plans and reviews involving parents
- liaise with other services, with parents, the child and setting, explaining what they do, enabling them to work in partnership to support the child's additional learning needs
- sign post parents to relevant organisations such as Parentsactive, and the Stephen Wiltshire Centre
- facilitate SEND networks and provide training for staff in settings to be able to better support children with SEND
We also support childminders who support children with SEND.
Children are also invited to a 2-and-a-half-year appointment with health visitors as part of the Healthy Child Programme.
The integration of information between these 2 assessments and joint appointments will take place where the most significant needs are identified.
For more information email us at eyfservices@lbhf.gov.uk