Strengthening relationships within families

Parental conflict and the support that is available to parents.

Parental conflict

For children to thrive and achieve the best possible outcomes in life, they need to experience family relationships that are healthy and stable. 

How parents interact, regardless of whether they are together or separated, has a big impact on their children.

Research has shown that when children become exposed to parental conflict, they present with negative symptoms which can be sustained long term without the appropriate help.

These might be linked to:

  • their emotional wellbeing

  • the ability to form and sustain relationships

  • low academic achievements, employability and even poorer health

Conflict is a normal part of a relationship as it is just not possible to always agree with one another. We aim to support you in thinking about 'constructive' ways to deal with disagreement instead of 'destructive'. 

A constructive way of dealing with conflict is helpful for children to be able to learn from as it develops problem-solving and negotiation skills. This will teach them the importance of talking things through, listening and valuing and respecting one another.

Although this might seem difficult at times, especially for separated parents whose contact might be minimised, it is still vital to keep the children at the heart of what we do.

Support available for parents

1 to 1 or group sessions are provided with the aim of supporting parents to:

  • understand the impact of conflict

  • understand better their own feelings and triggers

  • be able to mentalise with their children’s needs

Universal offer

A 3-day group course (1.5 hours each) is offered through UPG (Urban Partnership Group).

Contact UPG for more information and to self-refer:

Targeted offer

Family support intervention is provided to families when the needs are more complex. Support will need to be tailored around the family’s individual circumstances.

Contact ICAT: 

Support available for professionals

Half day training provided which includes theories and tools from systemic and mentalisation based interventions.

For more information:

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