The London Borough Climate Conference hosted by Mayor Philip Glanville, Chair of London Council’s Transport and Environment Committee, presented an ideal opportunity for H&F to share their exciting climate education initiatives with other London boroughs.
A key focus of the conference was celebrating success and shared learning and the H&F education team presented on ‘How we are helping children, young people and schools access Climate Education initiatives in Hammersmith and Fulham.
Climate education has been embedded in a wide range of our projects since H&F declared a climate and ecological emergency in 2019. An example of this is The Mudlarks project, a hugely successful primary partnership with charities and businesses that is now entering its third year.
The H&F ‘Summer in the City’ 2021 programme offered a landscape for more recent climate education events, with key partners, like Urbanwise, the English Chamber Orchestra and the Royal College of Art, offering activities to engage families on the theme of climate change.
Children and young people are at the heart of our climate strategy. Our teachers are embedding climate education in all our school’s curriculums. We rolled out EduCCate Global UN Accreditation for teachers to strengthen schools’ climate and ecological agenda and 75% of secondary schools have appointed sustainable coordinators and climate change champions.
Ellen Schwartz, Public Health Registrar at Hackney Council, wrote ‘Wonderfully inspiring examples of climate education in H&F, the opportunities are huge’. ‘I am inspired to see how the children are engaged and taking charge of this agenda. I am interested to draw out the co benefits. They are clearly all about self-esteem, resilience, as well as aspects of physical health’.