Responsible authorities for applications made under the Gambling Act 2003

Responsible authorities include the police, planning and fire authorities, health and safety and child protection. You must send a copy of your new licence, variation or transfer to each of these authorities.

If you wish to submit an application electronically to the responsible authorities you must obtain prior consent from each authority, otherwise you will need to submit a hard copy by hand or post.

The licensing authority

The Licensing Team
Town Hall, King Street
London W6 9JU

020 8753 1081

The police

Licensing Officer
Hammersmith Police Station
226 Shepherds Bush Road
London, W6 7NX

020 8246 2886

The fire authority

Fire Safety Regulation
South West Area
169 Union Street
London SE1 0LL 

020 8555 1200

Planning authority

The Planning Team
Town Hall, King Street,
London, W6 9JU

020 8753 1081

Health and safety authority

Health and safety team
Town Hall, King Street
London, W6 9JU

020 8753 1081  

Or, if the premises are under the jurisdiction of the Health and Safety Executive (ie. museums etc.)

The Health and Safety Executive
Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge Road,
London, SE1 9HS

Noise and nuisance

Noise and nuisance team
Town Hall, King Street,
London W6 9JU

020 8753 1081

Safeguarding authority

Anna Carpenter
Safeguarding Review and Quality Assurance
3rd floor, 145 King Street, W6 9JT

The Gambling Commission 

Victoria Square House
Victoria Square
Birmingham B2 4PB

HM Revenue and Customs National Registration Unit

Portcullis House
21 India Street
Glasgow, G2 4PZ 


In relation to a vessel only

Susan Grundy
Port of London Authority
London River House
Royal Pier Road
Kent, DA12 2BG

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