Personal licences

Information and guidance about personal licences, including forms to apply, surrender and change details of a licence.

Apply now

Important Information

At present we encourage all applications for personal licences to be made electronically by sending the application and documents to, we will then contact you for payment by card.

Renewal of personal licences - recent changes

The Licensing Act 2003 has changed and from 1 April 2015 the requirement to renew a personal licence has been de-regulated. Any personal licences which show an expiry date later than 1 April 2015 will continue to remain in effect after the expiry date shown on the licence. Amended licences are not being routinely issued, however, any personal licence holder who wishes to receive an updated licence should ask for this in writing and return the original paper and card licences to the licensing team together with a fee of £10.50.

New personal licence applications

Applications for personal licenses must be submitted on the prescribed forms, which are available in PDF format. (See forms below). If you need Word versions please contact the licensing team. If you are ordinarily resident in the area of a licensing authority, your application must be made to that authority. In any other case you may submit it to any licensing authority.

An applicant for a licence must either hold a relevant accredited or certified qualification, or be a person of a prescribed description, for example a member of the company of the Master, Wardens, Freemen and Commonalty of the Mistery of the Vintners of the City of London or a person operating under a licence granted by the University of Cambridge or the Board of the Green Cloth.

The full list of accredited personal licence qualification providers is available from the Home Office website.

All applicants are required to submit a criminal record/conviction certificate or subject access search of the Police National Computer which must be issued no earlier than one calendar month of the licence application being submitted to the licensing authority.

The forms to submit a subject access search can be downloaded from the Metropolitan Police website or alternatively an online application can be made via the DBS website.

From 6 April 2017 if you are applying for a personal licence you must have the right to work in the UK. Evidence of this must be supplied with the application. If you fail to provide the necessary evidence we will have to reject your application. Please read the guidance notes for Entitlement to work for Individual Applicants.

Please read the guidance note below about the procedure to be followed when submitting an application.

Apply now

Applications for personal licences are subject to a fee of £37 and must be signed by the applicants themselves - solicitors or agents cannot sign on behalf of an applicant.

Application fees are non-refundable in the event that an application is withdrawn or rejected. If you need any help in filling in the forms please contact the licensing team on 020 8753 1081.  Please note that we do not accept cash.

Your name and personal licence application number or personal licence will be published on our licensing register.

Application form

Personal licence application and disclosure of convictions and civil immigration penalties and declaration form (pdf 865KB)

Guidance notes

Guidance for grant of a personal licence (pdf 82KB)

Other forms

Surrender of a personal licence (pdf 248KB)

Notification of change of name or address of a licensee (pdf 79KB)


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