A provisional statement provides applicants with a means of establishing whether a premises that is being or about to be constructed or altered for the provision of licensable activities, or which the applicant expects to acquire the right to occupy, would be granted a premises licence after the building works /contract are complete. The applicant will thereby be able to determine whether the proposed business is viable before investing significant amounts of money.

Provisional statements must be advertised in the two following ways: firstly, by displaying a notice in at least one place at or on the site of the premises concerned for not less than 28 consecutive days starting on the day on which the application is made to the licensing authority. The notice must be displayed in a place where it can be conveniently read by members of the public from the exterior of the premises.

Secondly, by publishing a notice in a local newspaper circulating in the Hammersmith and Fulham area on at least one occasion during the period of 10 working days starting on the day after the day on which the application was submitted to the licensing authority.

Within 7 days of the application being made, notice of the application on the prescribed form must also be given to the relevant responsible authorities: Please refer to the list of responsible authorities for further details of the notification requirements for the various types of application.

If the premises are situated partly in another local authority, the application must also be served on that licensing authority.

Proof of postage is not a legal requirement in any of these cases; however, applicants should note that officers of the Council's Licensing Team will conduct frequent spot-checks in order to ensure that the above authorities are kept apprised of all relevant applications.

The completed application form, together with the plans of the premises should be sent to the Licensing Team at licensing@lbhf.gov.uk. Payment may be made by credit / debit card by telephone, please state this on the application and leave a contact number for us to call.

We are currently requesting that applications and the required payment are not sent by post due to the ongoing Covid19 pandemic. If you are unable to submit electronically, please contact licensing on 0208 753 1081.

Incomplete application forms will not be accepted under any circumstances and will be returned directly to the sender. Please also ensure that any plans submitted are in accordance with regulations; a checklist is enclosed for your convenience.

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