Give your business a head start and achieve the best food hygiene rating.
How good would this poster displaying 'Food Hygiene Rating 5' look in the window of your business?
Did you know that all businesses can achieve a 5 food hygiene rating under the scheme?
We are offering you the option of getting the best possible advice in a more convenient, less formal setting. Choosing our advice services could help to address any concerns you may have about your food hygiene inspection and help your business to succeed.
If you would like to know how you can achieve the highest rating contact the food and safety team today.
What do you offer for the fee?
We offer advice to support you in meeting your legal requirements, with a goal of helping you achieve a score of three or above in the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme.
How much you get out of these two options is up to you. A little bit of preparation and homework may be required. We have two options available to choose from:
Option 1
This is a good option if you are short on time. We offer advice over the phone up to 40 minutes. This advice can cover any or all food safety elements of your business including structure, hygiene practices/processes, allergens. We can also advise on the appropriate level of staff training, documentation and record keeping most suitable for your business.
We would recommend you consider a list of questions in advance of our chat to make the most of the time available.
Cost = £77.10
Option 2
This includes everything in option 1 and a pre-inspection check. This includes advising you on your HACCP (food safety management system) for example, if you are using the Safer Food Better Business (SFBB) pack (available to purchase on line, or download for free from the Food Standards Agency website) then we can provide advice on how it works.
We can also review your physical structure to make sure it meets the legal requirements. For example, do you have the correct facilities, is the structure compliant and we can give advice on cleaning (chemicals, use of cloths, schedules). We can also discuss in more detail your food handling practices e.g. where do you prepare raw meat? Do you have separate work benches, where possible? Do you carry out vacuum packing? Where do you store allergenic products?
Cost = £357.70
How will this help me?
This can save you time and money by having tailored professional advice for your business. The advice is tailored to your business so avoids over spending on compliance, such as buying equipment you don’t need or documented systems that are not right for your business. Enhances your chance of achieving a good hygiene rating, that you can use in your marketing and give you that competitive edge. Gives you confidence that what you are doing is right.
What don’t you offer?
We are unable to offer labelling or health and safety advice, but we can signpost you to where information and advice can be found.
What are you waiting for?
To apply for any of the two options please contact us on 0208 753 1081 or by email at Alternatively, an application form is available on our food safety webpage. Once a completed application form and payment has been received a food safety officer will contact you within 5 working days to make an appointment.