Webchat monitoring policy

What is the policy?

The system in H&F forms part of the council's overall Customer Access Programme. The specific purpose of the system is to support service users to carry out transactions via the web. The system works on the principal of exchanging text between the user on the web and the Council adviser where problems are encountered.

Like many other organisations, it is standard practice that allows the webchats to be monitored for quality and security purposes. We record webchats and we only use these recordings for the purposes specified in the policy.

For some services, such as, the daytime contact centres provided for H&F, resident access team, revenues and benefits, parking permits, corporate anti-fraud, complaint services, adult and childrens social care, housing repairs, housing, leaseholder enquiries, major works, service charges, and parking services this will be in line with their telephone recording policy.

Fair processing notice

Webchats are recorded to ensure that calls are being handled correctly and provide a tool to capture any training information. However, in addition, calls are recorded for;

  • Customer conduct
    We will not tolerate abusive language or behaviour either by or to our members of staff. All staff have the right to work without fear or verbal or physical abuse. To maintain high standards and protect staff we record all telephone calls to the contact centre.
  • Staff and data processors
    The information you give us will be used by our staff and third parties who provide council services on our behalf.
  • Developing and testing business applications
    We may use the information you give us to maintain and improve the services which we deliver, this includes developing and upgrading the systems which we use to process your information.
  • Corporate business intelligence
    We may share the information you give us with other council services for research and analysis purposes, to help us design the services we provide and to identify and contact residents who may benefit from them.
  • Prevention and detection of fraud
    We may share and compare your information with other council services and other organisations to make sure the information is accurate, to protect public funds, recover debt and/or prevent or detect fraud. These other organisations include government departments, other local authorities, and private sector organisations such as banks or organisations that lend money.
  • Legal requirements
    We will use all information held by us for the purposes of law enforcement, regulation and licensing, criminal prosecutions, and court proceedings. All personal information will be processed and retained in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Why do we need a policy?

The policy ensures that the use of telephone recordings is fair and lawful. The relevant legislation includes:

  • The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act
  • The Telecommunications (Interception of Communications Regulations)
  • The Telecommunications (Data Protection and Privacy) Regulations
  • The General Data Protection Regulations Act
  • The Human Rights Act
  • Equality Act

How will it affect me?

If you make a call to the contact centre (daytime or out of hours), resident access team, rental income team, housing, housing repairs, adults or children's social care, leasehold services, or parking services or another council service that uses webchat, your call and / or the message will be recorded. Under normal circumstances it will not be retrieved or monitored, unless it is necessary to investigate a complaint, there is a threat to the health and safety of staff or visitors or for the prevention or detection of crime. If it is a particularly good example of how to handle a call, it may be used for training. However, this will only be permitted if the recording is edited so that the caller remains anonymous and the member of staff who was party to the call agrees to its being used in this way.

We do listen to calls that are recorded to complete staff evaluations on service and for insight and learning.

When did this policy come into effect?

The policy came into effect in July 2013.

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