Fly-tipping (dumped rubbish)

How to deal with dumped rubbish, fly-tipping in Hammersmith and Fulham.

Most people put their rubbish out on the right day, in the right way. Do you?

Fly-tipping (dumped rubbish) comes with a hefty penalty. Whether it’s an unwanted mattress or a lorry load of rubble, fly-tipping is against the law and can result in a penalty of up to £50,000 or imprisonment for up to five years! Clean streets are something our residents and businesses care about. And so do we. That's why, if you fly-tip, we'll track you down and prosecute you if we can. Don't be a fly-tipper!

You can help by reporting fly-tipping

    We'll need to know:

    • Where the rubbish has been dumped
    • What has been dumped

    If you saw the event, this information will help us track down the person who did it and take enforcement action against them.

    • Who dumped the rubbish (if known) and a description of the person.
    • Details of any vehicles used.
    • The time the rubbish was dumped.
    • If it was witnessed by anybody else and if so, their details.

    There's more information in our Environmental Health and Public Protection Enforcement Policy (pdf 378KB).

    Fly-tipping in public areas

    Report fly-tipping on public areas such as streets and pavements in H&F online or through your smartphone using our H&F Report it app.

    Report fly-tipping online

    You can also contact the Cleaner Greener hotline, 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday at:

    Fly-tipping on council housing estates

    To report fly-tipping on council housing estates land, please email: or call 020 8753 5646.

    Fly-tipping on private land

    To report fly-tipping on private land, please email: or call 020 8753 1221. On private land, we make need to take legal action to get the rubbish cleared. The legal process can take some weeks.

    Fly-tipping on housing association land

    Please report fly-tipping to your housing association. How to contact a local housing association.

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