New licence for personal training, outdoor fitness and group exercise

All personal trainers need a licence to operate in parks and open spaces in the borough.

Hammersmith & Fulham has a number of beautiful parks and open spaces in which to enjoy exercise and recreation. We have a diverse group of sport and exercise providers who use our parks and open spaces to conduct personal training, outdoor fitness and group exercise activities. Keeping our communities active by doing everything we can to support and encourage people to stay active and socially engaged is now more important than ever.

We are here to support providers to successfully deliver these activities and having a licensing scheme in place plays an integral part in ensuring that the conduct, health and safety and service quality that is provided to all members of the community engaging in these activities are to the highest standard.

All commercial physical activity providers will require a licence to operate in parks and open spaces in Hammersmith & Fulham, however community sessions which are being delivered for free will not require to pay for a licence but will need to be registered.

How to apply for a licence

Sport and exercise providers can apply for a licence by reviewing the terms and conditions, code of conduct and completing the application form.

Apply for a licence (pdf 135KB)

For further information, or any enquiries, please contact

Terms and conditions (pdf 163KB)

Code of conduct (pdf 86KB)

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