There was double triumph for Charles Dowson at Fulham Horticultural Society's 100th show, lifting not only the prestigious Cobb Challenge trophy, but also the Frederick Hoare cup.
Charles, who is one of the show secretaries, regained the Cobb Cup from his arch-rival (and last year's winner) Stewart Whitten. It is awarded to the exhibitor who wins the most points across all categories, while the Frederick Hoare is for highest points in vegetable classes.

Marking a century of good-spirited local horticultural rivalry, 200 visitors filed into St Etheldreda's church in Fulham Palace Road on Saturday (7 September) after the independent judges had had time to examine all the entries.
Show organiser Alex Ellerington was delighted with the way the anniversary show had gone. With 43 separate entrants turning up with bags, boxes and baskets, he admitted: "At one point we were concerned whether we'd have enough table space for them all!"
What made the show extra special was a pianist playing jazz and classical music through the afternoon. "People stayed around to listen and chat – it was really fun," said Alex.

Community growers
Founded by enthusiastic growers in 1924, the Fulham Horticultural Society has gone from strength to strength, building a community of gardeners and growers.
The society, which grew out of the Fulham Palace allotments, is keen to emphasise the mental health and wellbeing benefits of fruit and veg growing, whether people have allotments, gardens, pots on balconies or window boxes.
The AGM is being staged on Saturday 9 November at noon. New committee members are welcome, and there is also a need for someone to help with tea and cake at next year's autumn show.
For more details email fulhamhs@gmail.com