An operatic night from Fulham Opera... and only a tenor

Fulham Opera marks its seventh birthday with an evening of scenes and arias.

Fulham Opera marks its seventh birthday with an evening of scenes and arias from some of its most popular past productions.

There will also be several previews of forthcoming operas during an event hosted by soprano Lily Scott at St John’s church in North End Road, Fulham.

Tickets are £10 and the evening is being staged on Friday 9 March at 7.30pm.

Lily – who is Fulham Opera’s director of partnerships as well as being an accomplished performer and teacher – will mingle with guests at a pre-concert drinks reception before the music begins.

The company’s mission is to bring ‘opera on a human scale’ to the heart of Hammersmith & Fulham, and A Night with Fulham Opera draws together a sparkling line-up of singers and artists, including past winners of the society’s Robert Presley Memorial Verdi Prize.

The Fulham Opera chamber orchestra, conducted by Ben Woodward and Michael Thrift, will accompany.

Works in the showcase include excerpts from operas by Wagner, Verdi and Puccini, plus previews of forthcoming productions.

There will also be an interview with Fulham Opera’s creative team.

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