Image 1
This image has no alt text at the media or component level.
There is no caption text or image credit.
Image 2
This image has no alt text at the media.
There is alt text at the paragraph level.
There is no caption text or image credit.
Image 3
This image has no alt text at the media level.
There is alt text at the component level and this is displayed as the caption.
There is an image credit.
Image 4
This image has no alt text at the media level.
There is alt text at the component level.
There is caption text different from the alt text.
There is no image credit.
Image 5
This image has no alt text at the media or component level.
There is caption text and it reads: "This shouldn't work."
There is an image credit.
Image 6
This image has alt text at the media level.
There is no alt text at the component level.
There is caption text and an image credit.
Image 7
This image has alt text at the media level: "The Co-production Implementation Group line up for a group photograph".
There is alt text at the component level.
There is no caption text or image credit.