Managing a hall or room

If there is a community hall on the estate or in the block that the TRA represents, the TRA can run this hall under licence from H&F. The licence is offered free of charge as long as the TRA remains fully registered with H&F.

The hall licence

The hall licence covers:

  • How the hall can be used and the hours of operation.
  • That the TRA is responsible for paying all running costs for the hall.
  • That the TRA must have appropriate Public Liability Insurance (PLI) in place.
  • Repairs and maintenance responsibilities for the TRA and council as Licensor.
  • That the TRA must provide access for health & safety, compliance and building safety inspections, as well as for PAT testing of electrical equipment.
  • Fire safety requirements.
  • The requirement for the council as Licensor for the building to be able to use the hall in an emergency situation as a rest centre, or welfare space, or as a polling station to support local democracy.
  • Review and termination of the licence criteria.

Key management

It is important that the number of keys in circulation for a hall are limited so that the building is secured at all times. As a good practice guide, TRA committees should have no more than three sets of keys in circulation. The only exception to this rule is where the TRA has a trusted long-term regular hirer using the hall. In this case, the committee may agree to cut an additional set of keys for this organisation.

Hall hire policy

Some TRA committees we work with have developed a hall hire policy. This will set out the agreed rates for hall hire, which may be different for residents of the estate and for hirers who do not live on the estate. The policy also sets out the types of activities that are permitted for hire of the hall, as well as of the days and times the hall is available for hire. When agreeing a hall hire policy, it's important that the committee takes into account the views of all residents they represent and also ensures that hall hire does not impact the quiet enjoyment of people in their homes, especially at quiet times such as after 10pm and before 8am.

Hall hire agreements

The TRA committee should also agree a hall hire agreement that they will issue to hirers and ask the hirer to sign up to, after the rules of use have been explained. This is an important document because it will set out the rate of hire as well as any holding deposit for damages or breach of the rules. It's essential to set out the standards the TRA expects in terms of cleanliness of the hall and sticking to the times of hire. Ensure that the hire period includes enough time for hirers to clean the hall at the end of their booking.

Inclusive hire arrangements

It is important that the community hall is accessible to all members of the community. While it is the committee who collectively agrees the types of activities that the hall can be hired out for, it's essential to ensure that decisions are made in an inclusive way that do not discriminate against any groups or individuals.

Use of your hall by the council

From time to time, we will need to consult residents in a particular area on matters that affect them, or to use the hall for an engagement meeting that benefits all council housing residents in the borough. This could be about the services we provide, or a proposal of some kind for the estate or wider area. In these instances, we ask that the TRA provides the hall they run free of charge to H&F, for the benefit of residents being kept informed and involved.

We understand that whenever the hall is in use costs are being incurred for heating, lighting, and water usage etc… Therefore, if we ask to use your hall for a council activity, such as first aid training, or holding a staff meeting, we will pay a hire fee to the TRA for the use of the space. The TRA should provide an invoice to H&F that sets out the date and times of hire and the amount being charged.

Help and support

We understand that each TRA hall or room is different to manage, based on how the committee agrees to run the space, where it is located and the facilities the space has. Your Community Assets, Safety & Participation Lead is there to support you with help and advice for the running of your hall.

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