Sensory impairment

Information about the services and support on offer for people with hearing and visual impairment.

Services for people aged 18 and over with hearing or visual impairment or both.

What help is available?

The type and amount of help needed varies from person to person.

Visit the sensory impairment page where you will find information about:

  • equipment to help you manage at home
  • services and activities available locally
  • practical help with signing, interpreting, writing letters, using the phone or telling the time
  • referral to other services such as meals services, home help or advice
  • referral to voluntary agencies and groups for help with practical and social problems
  • advice on housing, income and employment, education and training opportunities
  • training advice on mobility and with getting out and about
  • direct payments for you to buy services
  • social work support for practical and social problems

Support material for tactile paving providers

Understanding Tactile Paving at Pedestrian Crossings (pdf 6MB)

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