Independent (Private) Schools

What are independent schools?

Independent schools (also known as private schools) are educational providers not funded or maintained by the Government. Pupils at independent schools may not follow the national curriculum. You will usually be expected to pay fees for your child to attend an independent school

Where to find information on maintstream independent schools

The local authority does not hold information on mainstream independent schools in the borough. This is because they are not maintained or regulated by the council. To find out about independent schools in the local area, please visit the Independent Schools Council or visit the school's website directly.

Approved independent special institutions

Some independent educational institutions, independent special schools and post-16 institutions might be the subject of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). For this, they must be approved by the Secretary of State and fulfil criteria as set out in Secion 41 of the Children and Families Act 2014.

A list of institutions that have been approved can be found on the Government website. All schools included on the list have given prior consent. You may contact the schools directly to see if they can accommodate your child.


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