
Consultations on issues affecting all residents and businesses in Hammersmith & Fulham.

We run consultations on issues affecting all residents and businesses in Hammersmith & Fulham. The results of these consultations go directly into our policy-making process.

Consultations in H&F

Have Your Say - H&F's consultation platform

Visit H&F Have Your Say - our community engagement platform to get involved in consultations and surveys happening in your borough.

Current, planned and past consultations - including roads, schools, parks and public rights of way.

Find out about other ways you can take part in the democratic process and have your say.

Guidance for external organisations

Clean Air Neighbourhoods

Hammersmith & Fulham Council has commissioned Opinium, an independent market research agency, to conduct a survey into the attitudes of borough residents and businesses towards measures to improve your neighbourhood by doing things like increasing green infrastructure, tackling air pollution and introducing Clean Air Neighbourhood initiatives.

To take part in the survey, go to

* Opinium is a member of the British Polling Council. Respondents must be 18 years of age or older.


How to comment on a planning application

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