Births re-registration

Babies born in Hammersmith and Fulham

Add the natural father's details

To re-register a child and add the father's details to the birth entry, please fill in an application form.

Application by the mother and/or father for the re-registration of their child’s birth

Please return the completed form and the child's full birth certificate to the Register Office. The form and certificate can be posted to The Register Office, Hammersmith Town Hall, King Street, London, W6 9JU.

You will be contacted by a registrar to book an appointment once we have received the application form.

Re-registration after the natural parents have been married

A child's birth, by law, needs to be re-registered if the natural parents have married since the child was born.

An application form needs to be signed by both parents, and should be submitted with the following documents:

  • the child's full birth certificate
  • the parent's marriage certificate

Application by the natural parents for the re-registration of their child's birth following the parent's marriage

Please return the completed form and the child's full birth certificate to the Register Office. The form and certificate can be posted to The Register Office, Hammersmith Town Hall, King Street, London, W6 9JU.

We will contact you to book an appointment once we have received the application form.

Babies born outside of Hammersmith & Fulham

It is always advisable to make an application for a re-registration to the register office where the child was originally registered. However, in circumstances where this is not possible, a re-registration by declaration can be completed. You will still need to complete either the form to add the father's details or the form if the natural parents have been married since the child was born.

Please return the completed form, the child's full birth certificate and if applicable the marriage certificate, to the Register Office. The form and certificates can be posted to The Register Office, Hammersmith Town Hall, King Street, London, W6 9JU.

After we receive the application form and certificates, we will contact you to make an appointment.

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