General information for visitors

Our cemeteries

There are four cemeteries that are managed by Hammersmith & Fulham Council, these include North Sheen, Mortlake, Margravine and Fulham. Margravine and Fulham Cemeteries are located within the borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, with North Sheen and Mortlake being located in Richmond borough.

Each cemetery listed below has a location map and a layout plan linked from their page. We can send more detailed maps of the sections of each cemetery on request.

Fulham Cemetery 
Fulham Palace Road 

Margravine Cemetery 
Margravine Road 

Mortlake Cemetery 
Clifford Avenue 
SW14 7BU

North Sheen Cemetery 
Lower Richmond Road 

Opening and closing times

All four of our cemeteries are opened at 9am every day except Sunday and close at the following times for each month

  • January - 4pm
  • February - 5pm
  • March - 6pm
  • April - 7pm
  • May - 8pm
  • June - 8pm
  • July - 8pm
  • August  - 7pm
  • September -  6pm
  • October -  5pm
  • November - 4pm
  • December - 4pm

On Sunday the cemeteries open at 10am, with closing times as above except during public holidays. On bank and other public holidays normal opening hours will apply, except Christmas Day, when the cemeteries will be open from 10am to 3pm.  Please make sure that you have left the cemetery before the closing time. 

The Cemeteries Office is in North Sheen Cemetery and is open from Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm

Contacting us

Please send any correspondence to:

The Cemetery Office
North Sheen Cemetery
Lower Richmond Road

Telephone: 020 8878 1934



Visitors are welcome to come to the cemetery office and ask questions or search for a grave, however we are currently unable to take appointments inside the office at this time. 

We would ask that all visitors are respectful of both the office and grounds staff and are reminded that aggressive behaviour and any form of verbal or physical abuse to our employees will not be tolerated.

When in the cemetery visitors are asked to conduct themselves in a quiet and orderly manner, under the Local Authorities Cemetery Order (LACO 1977) no person shall wilfully commit the following:

  • Create a disturbance in the cemetery
  • Commit a nuisance in a cemetery
  • Interfere with any grave or vault, any memorial or any flowers or plants
  • Play any game or sport in a cemetery
  • Enter or remain in a Cemetery when it is closed to the public, unless authorised by the council to do so

Visitors are asked to refrain from the following:

  • Using bicycles, skateboards, skates or scooters (with the exception of mobility scooters)
  • Playing music loudly in the cemetery without the consent of the cemetery manager
  • Dropping litter or fly tipping in the cemetery
  • Taking photographs without consent of the cemetery manager
  • Speeding in the cemetery grounds
  • Preparing barbeques or cooking food
  • Using the cemetery to park their car


There is space available for parking on most roads within our cemeteries, we only ask that space is left for passing vehicles.

There is no parking in Mortlake Cemetery for services taking place at Mortlake Crematorium.


Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times, and any fouling cleared up. Only guide dogs for the blind may enter the cemetery chapel or office. Failure to clean up fouling may result in a penalty.


Children under 16 are not permitted in the cemetery grounds without an accompanying responsible adult.

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