Babies born in Hammersmith and Fulham
You will need to attend Hammersmith and Fulham Register Office for the registration. You don't have to bring your baby to the registration.
Appointments are available Monday to Friday, from 9am to 4pm. The easiest way to book an appointment is online.
Or you can call us on 020 8753 2140.
Babies born outside Hammersmith and Fulham
If your baby was born outside Hammersmith and Fulham, we can complete a declaration for the register office which covers the area in which the baby was born. This service operates on an appointment basis only.
Please book a birth registration appointment. You don't have to bring your baby to the registration.
Who can register the birth?
Parents who are married or in a civil partnership
If you were married or in a civil partnership at the time of birth or conception, either parent can register the birth.
Unmarried parents
If you were not married or in a civil partnership at the time of birth or conception, both parents must attend for the father's details to be entered into the register.
The mother is able to attend the registration on her own, but the father's details will be left off the registration. It may be possible to add the father's details at a later date through a re-registration.
If one parent can't go to the register office, they will need to complete a statutory declaration of parentage form in the presence of a qualified official. Details about this are on the form.
Please give us the form at the time of registration.
If there is a Parental Responsibility Agreement or a court order in place, please bring this to the registration too.
Certificates cost £12.50 each.
What should I bring?
It would be helpful to bring:
- a black ballpoint pen
- the red book from the hospital, or
- the hospital discharge notes
- passports or birth certificates for parents
- £12.50 for each birth certificate - card payments only
- £12.50 for each certificate for a birth declaration - please provide the registration officer with your contact details at the time of your appointment so that payment can be taken over the phone
- someone to translate for you if you do not speak or understand English.
What information will I need?
- Date and place of birth - in the case of multiple births for example twins, the time of each child's birth will also be needed
- Sex of the child
- First name, middle names (if applicable) and the last name the child will be brought up with
(Where this information is to be entered in the register)
- First name, middle names (if applicable) and last name
- Date and place of birth
- Occupation at the time of the child's birth or, if not employed at that time, the last occupation
- First name, middle names (if applicable), and last name
- Maiden last name if the mother is, or has been, married
- Date and place of birth
- Occupation at the time of the child's birth or, if not employed at that time, the last occupation
- Address at the date of the birth
- Date of marriage, if married to the child's father at the time of the birth
- Number of previous children