Local Offer for SEND

Find out what the Local Offer for SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) is and how to get involved, read our annual reports, strategies and plans and what to do if you disagree with a decision.

About the Local Offer for SEND

What the Local Offer for those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is, who pays for local services and support, Local Offer annual reports.

Have your say

Have you say on a public consultation, get involved with Parentsactive, a local parents and carer forum, how to make a complaint about children's services and schools.

SEND strategies and plans

Strategies and plans related to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) including Ordinarily Available Provision Guidance, Alternative Provision Strategy and Profile of Need.

A who's who guide to our SEND teams

The range of people who support families with children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) locally, the services they offer and how to get in touch with them.

Services for children with SEND

Information about services for children with SEND can be found throughout our new family hubs section.

Here you can find information on:


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