Concierge service consultation analysis of feedback


The concierge service is in place on four estates across the borough to communicate with council departments and support residents in the following ways:

  • Monitoring and surveillance of estate CCTV cameras.
  • Providing residents with access to council information and services.
  • Estate patrols to act as a deterrent for Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB).
  • Supporting fire safety initiatives through daily fire checks.
  • Carrying out welfare checks to residents and void properties.

An enhanced concierge service with desks staffed in multiple tower blocks has been trialled for a number of years on the Edward Woods Estate and the West Kensington & Gibbs Green estates.

It’s been in place since 2017 when residents were last asked for their views on how they would like to see their concierge service delivered.

Both estates have now been consulted on whether they wished to see a return to the standard service with one reception office being open or whether they wished to maintain the enhanced service with multiple reception areas remaining in place.

This report provides a summary of how the consultations were delivered and sets out the consultation findings by estate, as well as suggested next steps.


The concierge service consultation was launched on 6 December 2022 and was open for residents to provide feedback until 30 December 2022.

A consultation pack was sent to the 766 council households that receive a concierge service on the Edward Woods Estate and 762 council housing households on the West Kensington & Gibbs Green Estate.

The aims and purpose of the consultation were to:

  • Seek a resident-led mandate for the continuity or the ending of the enhanced aspects of the concierge service and introducing charges for them to recover costs, if resident’s feedback was strongly in favour of continuity and;
  • Provide clear information on what the increased charge would be
  • Provide residents with information about the concierge service and team operating hours and contact details.
  • Find out what residents thought of the current concierge service arrangements, what’s working well and what could be improved.

The consultation pack included:

  • A letter explaining the purpose of the consultation and the importance of hearing back from as many residents as possible
  • A frequently asked questions document explaining the reasons for consulting with residents and the areas that the concierge service covers.  

Inclusion and accessibility

Our aim is for our consultations to be inclusive and accessible to all. Residents had the options of:

  • Replying online using the QR code and short web link included in the letter and at the start of the survey.
  • Returning the consultation in the freepost return envelope.
  • Contacting our dedicated telephone helpline staffed by the Housing Resident Involvement Team to complete the survey over the phone and to offer any support.

The consultation was promoted by two rounds of text and email reminders.

Response rate

133 individual responses were received across the estate consultations:

  • 98 by online return (71%)
  • 35 by postal return (29%)

This is the highest percetage of online responses we’ve ever had to a major consultation.

133 responses generated from surveys sent to 1528 households across both estates represents an 8.7% response rate. The overall number of responses appears low, but is a typical response rate for consultations.

This response rate difers across the two consultations:

Edward Woods Estate

  • 87 responses from a potential 766 households represents a 11.4% response rate.
  • 64 (74%) of these responses were from the tower blocks that the enhanced concierge service has covered.

West Kensington & Gibbs Green Estate

  • 46 responses from a potential 762 households represents a 6% response rate.
  • Only 3 of a potential 98 households on the Gibbs Green estate responded to the consultation. This estate does not have the concierge service located that close to it. It is clear that this consultation didn’t resonate with these residents.

Concierge service consultation – high level summary

This summary data represents the collective results from both Edward Woods and West Kensington & Gibbs Green consultations.

Residents who have contacted the concierge service in the last six months

(132 responses)

This chart shows the number of residents who have contacted the Concierge Service in the last 6 months. There were 132 responses in total. 89 residents have contacted the service and 43 have not.

Average rating of the standard of concierge service delivery

(93 responses)

The average rating was 6.2 out of 10

Method of contact

(103 responses)

The pie chart shows the number of responses by method of contact. Options were face-to-face at reception (80), not at reception by face-to-face (5), over the intercom (1), or over the phone (17).

78% of respondents access concierge services via the reception desks.

Review of face-to-face contacts

(134 responses)

Pie chart showing Concierge Service standard areas that respondents confirmed were met, options include, well-presented in uniform (32), courteous (38), knowledgable and able to assist (41) and none of the above (23). 

Respondents could choose as many or as few options as appropriate.

Resident priority areas for the concierge service

(216 responses)

Pie chart showing respondent priority areas for the concierge service, options include providing a safe and secure environment 86, access to general council services 31, continuous CCTV monitoring 44, fire safety inspections 30, welfare checks 25

Respondents could choose up to 2 options. 

Overall satisfaction with the concierge service

(130 responses)

Pie chart showing the overall satisfaction with the Concierge Service. Options included very satisfied (30) satisfied (58) dissatisfied (21) very dissatisfied (21). 

68% of respondents view the concierge service positively.

The main requested improvements to the concierge service are:

  • An increased willingness to help
  • Being more approachable and empathetic
  • Being more visible
  • Dealing with ASB and drug dealing proactively
  • Better communications and signage
  • Greater consistency of service
  • Better liaison with residents and other council teams
  • Equiping the team with a fast-track repairs line
  • More awareness and support for vulnerable residents
  • Improving staff training
  • Improved uniform
  • A more proactive focus on getting things like rubbish and urine cleaned up in communal areas

Preference for future delivery of the concierge service on the Edward Woods Estate

(82 responses)

Pie chart showing the results for the preferred way the future service is delivered. Options include return to the standard service with one reception desk per estate (23) and maintain enhanced service of multiple reception desks per estate (103). 

82% of respondents would like to see the enhanced concierge service trial remain in place.

Edward Woods Estate concierge service

Residents who have contacted the concierge service in the last six months

(86 responses)

This chart shows the number of residents who have contacted the concierge service in the last 6 months. 54 residents have contacted the service and 32 have not.

Method of contact

(63 responses)

The pie chart shows the number of responses by method of contact. Face to face at reception (49), face to face not at reception (3), intercom (1), phone (10)

Overall satisfaction with the concierge service

(85 responses)

Pie chart showing the overall satisfaction with the concierge service. Options included very satisfied (22), satisfied (39), dissatisfied (10), very dissatisfied (14). 

72% of respondents were satisfied with the overall concierge service

Residents who would like to see the night shift on Edward Woods Estate being made permanent

(84 responses)

The pie chart shows the number of respondents who would like to see the night shift on Edward Woods Estate being made permanent. 72 said they would like to see the night shift being made permanent, 12 said no.

86% of respondents would like to see the night shift on Edward Woods Estate being made permanent.

Preference for future delivery of the concierge service on the Edward Woods Estate

(82 responses)

Pie chart showing the results for the preferred way the future the concierge service is delivered, options are, return to the standard service with one reception desk per estate (9) or maintain enhanced service of multiple reception desks per estate (73)

90% of Edward Woods respondents would like the enhanced Concierge Service to be maintained.

Analysis of respondents

(83 responses)

Pie chart showing whether respondents were tenants (75), leaseholders (4), private tenants of a leaseholder (3), or a resident who is now a tenant or a leaseholder (1). 

90% of respondents were tenants

Amount of time living in home
(86 responses)

Pie chart showing how long respondents have lived in their home. Inder 1 Year (2), Under 5 years (11), 5 to 15 years (31), 16 to 30 years (26), over 30 years (16).

85% of respondents have lived in their homes for at least five years.

Respondents by block

  • Mortimer House - 10
  • Norland House - 30
  • Poynter House - 19
  • Boxmore House - 6
  • Stebbing House - 15
  • Hume House - 3
  • Swanscombe House - 1
  • Undeclared - 3

It is mainly the blocks that directly have access to the concierge service who have responded to the consultation. Mortimer House also generated a reasonable number of responses.

Getting involved on the Edward Woods Estate

  • 28 respondents are interested in being part of a new Tenants & Residents Association (TRA) on Edward Woods Estate.
  • 35 respondents are interested in signing up to the Get Involved Emailing list.

Interest in these areas will be followed up separately with those residents who have expressed an interest.

West Kensington & Gibbs Green Estate concierge service

Contact with the concierge service in the last six months

(46 responses)

This chart shows the number of residents who have contacted the concierge service in the last 6 months. 35 residents have contacted the service and 11 have not.

Method of contact

(39 responses)

Pie chart showing the number of responses by method of contact. Face to face at reception (31), face to face not at reception (2), intercom (0), phone (7)

Overall satisfaction with the concierge service

(45 responses)

Pie chart showing the overall satisfaction with the concierge service. Options included very satisfied (8), satisfied (19), dissatisfied (11) very dissatisfied (7).

60% of respondents were satisfied with the overall concierge service

Preference for future delivery of the concierge service on the West Kensington & Gibbs Green Estate

(44 responses)

Pie chart showing the results for the preferred way the future the concierge service is delivered, options are, return to the standard service with one reception desk per estate (14) or keep enhanced service of multiple reception desks per estate (30)

68% of West Kensington & Gibbs Green respondents would like the enhanced concierge service to be maintained. This is significantly lower than the 90% of respondents who wish to keep the service on Edward Woods. However, the return rate has been lower overall with the West Kensington & Gibbs Green estate.

Analysis of respondents

(46 responses)

Pie chart showing whether respondents were tenants (41), leaseholders (5), private tenants of a leaseholder (0), or a resident who is now a tenant or a leaseholder (0). 

89% of respondents were tenants.

Amount of time living in home
(46 responses)

Pie chart showing how long respondents have lived in their home. Inder 1 Year (4), Under 5 years (4), 5 to 15 years (15), 16 to 30 years (8), over 30 years (15).

83% of respondents have lived in their homes for at least five years.

Respondents by block

  • Desborough House - 7
  • Marchbank House - 1
  • Churchwood House - 10
  • Lickey House - 9
  • Gibbs Green - 3
  • Sharnbrook House - 5
  • Fairburn House - 6
  • Franklin Square - 1
  • West Kensington Mansions - 3
  • Undeclared - 1

It is mainly the blocks that directly have access to the concierge service who have responded to the consultation.

Getting involved on the West Kensington & Gibbs Green Estate

  • 14 respondents are interested in being part of a new Tenants & Residents Association (TRA) on Edward Woods Estate.
  • 18 respondents are interested in signing up to the Get Involved Emailing list.

Interest in these areas will be followed up separately with those residents who have expressed an interest.

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