Hammersmith & Fulham voter registration email 2023

Information about the email sent to some residents about the 2022 annual voter registration canvass.

Hammersmith & Fulham Electoral Services are emailing some households in the borough to ask them to complete their annual canvass form online. This web page is here so you can confirm that the email we have sent you is genuine.

The emails have been sent from:

hammersmith.fulham.council.electoral.services @ notifications.service.gov.uk

They have been sent via the government's online notification service, Notify.

To update your details for the 2023 household canvass please go to the official H&F Council response website or follow the link provided in the email. You will need both parts of your security code (which is in the email you received) and your postcode.

If you have been forwarded the email by someone else, you will not be able to complete the online form.

If you are still concerned whether the email you have received is genuine, you can contact our helpline on 020 8753 4466, email us at electoral.services@lbhf.gov.uk, or write to us at Electoral Services, Hammersmith & Fulham Council, Hammersmith Town Hall, King Street, London, W6 9JU.

We are using a trusted supplier, Idox Software Limited, to provide the response website. If you use the service, you will be visiting Idox’s Household Information Response Website.

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