Join us and help fight unfair government school funding cuts

H&F’s public meeting against government plans to cut H&F schools’ funding takes place on 28 February.

H&F’s public meeting against government plans to cut H&F schools’ funding is just a few days away.

You can join us at 7pm on Tuesday 28 February to find out more about the impact of the proposed government cuts to schools and how together we can oppose them.

Support our schools

The F40 group representing councils of all political make-ups said this week that the government should go back to the drawing board.

It has campaigned for 20-years to see the system changed but they say that the new plans are likely just to replace one injustice with another.

“It’s telling that even those who originally supported funding changes say the government’s plans are a mistake,” said H&F Councillor Sue Fennimore.

“The government’s funding cuts would be disaster for H&F schools and we’re determined to stop them happening.”

The proposed cuts, which are part of the government’s National Funding Formula Scheme, come at a time when the costs of running a school are already rising. In the last three years they’ve risen by 10 per cent.

In small primary schools, this financial burden would be over £100,000 per year  – the equivalent of at least two teachers. In a secondary school this would mean an even larger financial squeeze, with much less available to spend on children’s education.

The meeting at 7pm on Tuesday will be held at Hammersmith Town Hall.

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